The Hulkster Like Life, But Hulk Still Smash Being Immortal! Does living like a Green Giant excite you? Forever? Why, yes indeed! The Immortal Hulk story line went up for awards and excited readers, who always looked to the next issue, and they did not disappoint. Keep that immortal coil rolling, rolling, rolling! Yes, the Immortal, has a nice ring to it. Even the Alex Ross covers that span almost, if not, every issue is something quite nice to behold! That's a Hulkbuster in itself.
Someone went down to Georgia with a fiddle and tampered with the Hulk, now we have a situation! It indeed makes the mortally or immortal question answered, but that will be tested as always as well!
With 300 views and counting, this lone signature series is an impulse grab, and ooh it got me! With a bit of Alex Ross with a dash of Al! It had the makings within of those Local Comic Store late arrivals. All are an assorted mix among the travels, whether a Hulk, painted cover, or the likes of one being Immortal. An award nominee doesn't look bad towards a collection of times past and searching those bins for good reads, that in turn brought friends around with some opinions, advice, and otherwise good morale. Need not think twice when it comes to putting those issues to rest and when looking to collect and read about the best in comics. As an Immortal Hulk is out for the reaction that first started in the Avengers titles. Hulking Out around the block and bend, and super thankful for the pick-up I might add. It is all in good fun.