Lots of 1st appearances! You've got your Iron Fists and your Ant Man's. You've got others that are ripe for the picking movie wise, and they all sum up in Marvel Premiere to introduce you and even give an origin or two. Here pictured is a highlight of Stan's "soapbox", and it is Signature Series by Herb Trimpe and Len Wein. It features the ad for Hulk #181, that can be found in Marvel Premiere #19. Not too shabby to display the effort put through to promote an issue. Stan Lee was the ultimate promoter, he made a life of it, and it stuck like glue. Now we're cooking with grease!
The Soap Box was a pedestal, and to make it Stan Lee's sponsored little promotion was a useful tool, that did not let up. RIP Stan the Man!
Decked out for some nice presentations in signature series and or raws of the age in which the Bronze was king over the 1970's and onward. It was a few fast punches with no pull back from the crowd, commencing into the crescendo that is all about the Kung-Fu! It splashed about the pages and with anticipations along with willing hearts to get to the usefulness of such things. It was a craze that spoke to dedications and discipline, with all the then cartoons or anime's that followed, I'd say it has its day in the sun as something well established. Between solo stories and character building, knowing and understanding cultures, Marvel really needed to get it right, and somewhat they did while writing or illustrating to be convincing. We just need the substance translated outside of comics to media, the way it inspired the "real world."