Champions, these are them, the godly and the ungodly of print form. They will take on the other supernatural's and even the, what the Hulk would call, puny humans! They are only trying to help, but somehow the feeble when helped, cannot believe their eyes! Who is this? The weak, wherever they may be, are helped by the Champion of the day that shows up! Yes, they can stay fresh and bless this series, as all are welcome within the comics realm. Adam Sandler even did a skit, "The Champion and Arrow Fly Balls! They just seem to go farther. HeHe"
Other worldly or not, they get the job done. As a team or by their individual status, it would seem this team could be considered overqualified, but they still have hiccups to work through.
Offset the cameras roll for the bickering and colliding of often alpha personalities. It is the passion between them that is the common ground or bond, separated only by determination and world building. Their characters are individually surmounting the odds, but if one is not moving ahead expect another to give a swift kick from behind. "Move out of the way! I'm a superhero here!" Coming in last only proves that you were not up to snuff when the day is done. It will be the rise and fall of any team that cannot coordinate and follow a plan of battle to otherwise serve and save those that are helpless and defenseless. The time is right in the 70's to get the ugliest and yet outrageous together to overcome proving themselves a CHAMPION! Peons not allowed.