The X-men, got to keep up the mutant liberation, and keep the spirits running smoothly to not upset the humans. All things created equal, that's what they say, while the animosity towards mutants ruins their day to day. This is the "way" for the mutants to discover how they may be useful for the mutant cause, and to keep at it, no matter the new threats that interrupt the usual frivolity. They have to take time to relax, but even the fellow mutants seem to disrupt the X-men's best laid plans!
If X-men can complete a story in a run of comics, television, and movies, then I can give it a go to round out the hits! Sugah! Bless their heart!
The whole enchilada and takes the cake, with X-men as the ongoing series that has now lasted decades and beyond. Making or breaking tradition within the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters now has many breakout stars that have gone on to teach those morals as well. Not all are their own master, as some have fallen on hard times, but the X-men as a group have always kept in touch to reinvigorate past characters towards new writing, illustrations, and or portrayals of character representation. The bullpen is alive, and will, Lord willing, all mean the best is yet to come! Families, enemies, lovers, and friends, and with no burnout on the horizon, it accumulates to a well-rounded hobby!