manya's Colonials Samples


Coin Details


Set Details

Origin/Country: United States
Design Description: NEW YORK
Item Description: 1787 FIGURE LEFT NOVA EBORAC
Grade: NGC VF 25 BN
Owner: mania
Winning Set: manya's Colonials Samples
Date Added: 4/15/2011
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

1787 Nova Eborac Copper. Seated Figure Facing Left. W-5755. URS-10. Medium Bust. VF-25 BN (NGCLight olive-copper color to both sides, the surfaces curiously smooth with a bit of glossiness to the texture. Bolder detail is largely confined to the areas in and around the centers, but even the devices at the borders are at least discernible.  Sacks Baltimore March 2011

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