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Amazing Spider-Man 97

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Comic Description: Amazing Spider-Man 97 Universal
Grade: 9.4
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0159067006
Owner: KidsFuture


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: AmSp-All  Score: 480
AmSp 1-100  Score: 480
AmSp All  Score: 480
ASM Vol1  Score: 480
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Norman Osborn's Green Goblin-persona has returned and Spider-Man has stumbled upon him. After a brief battle across the city, the Goblin escapes vowing to strike back at his arch nemesis.

Changing back to his civilian identity, Peter worries over that damage the Goblin can do now that he remembers Peter's real identity. Returning home, he finds Harry who is stressed out over his studies and over the turbulence in his relationship with Mary Jane. Peter becomes concerned when he finds that Harry has been popping pills.

The next day when Peter and Harry head off to class, Mary Jane once more snubs Harry in favor of Peter. Peter scolds her for her behavior, but she tells Peter her avoidance of Harry is a long story. Harry meanwhile has gone to his dealer and bought more pills. Peter looks for Harry, but cannot find him and decides to resume his hunt for the Green Goblin after he learns of reports of thefts across the city. Giving up as Spider-Man, he tries Osborn's office as Peter Parker, but it turns out to be another dead end.

Later that day, Harry confronts Mary Jane over her giving him the cold shoulder, fed up with Harry's behavior, Mary Jane dumps him. Harry returns home where he takes it out on Peter, Peter tells Harry off, and Harry goes off to take more pills. Peter goes off on another fruitless search for the Green Goblin. When he returns home, he finds that Harry has overdosed from the pills and needs immediate medical help. Before Peter can call for an ambulance, the Green Goblin appears outside the apartment challenging Peter once more.

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