Dead Among Us
Walking Dead 112

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Comic Description: Walking Dead 112
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1172118009
Owner: ExcludedTim


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Dead Among Us  Score: 32
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Denise stumbles upon the corpse of Spencer Monroe with his guts hanging out; Negan standing next to the body. He coldly says he is dead and asks where's his house, as he wants to play pool.

Hours later, Rick and his team arrive back at Alexandria, only to find the gates locked and no one on watch. Locked outside, Rick yells for someone to open the gates, while the group is ambushed by walkers. Olivia quickly arrives and apologies, and reveal that Negan arrived earlier than expected and that Spencer was murdered.

"I thought we had an agreement?!" Rick confronts Negan, who simply gets up and says Rick should thank him, the latter, however, doesn't budge. The two start a very heated conversation. Negan mentions that he's been more than reasonable, citing Carl's incident on The Saviors' Base.

Eventually he asks about the supplies, but change his mind and says Rick can keep all of them. Rick firmly denies: "A deal is a deal", and gives half nonetheless.

After packing up the supplies, Negan and his 8-men crew leaves. Rick rushes to his house and orders Andrea, who is crying over Spencer's death, to get a rifle and run to the bell tower. This is their chance to kill Negan.

The driver is shot in the head by a sniper; Andrea. Negan curses, evading the gunshots. The Saviors are surrounded by Rick and a few more armed Alexandrians. Rick, filled with rage, asks Negan if he ever heard about a story of someone who brought a baseball bat to a gunfight.

A gunshot. Rick's pistol flies away from his hand: Savior Snipers. The surrounding buildings are filled with them. Negan faces Rick holding Lucille, explaining how he always have a backup team for supplies runs, and taunts Rick by saying that, being Alexandria's leader, he should've learned something.

"You're fucking fucked, you stupid fucker."

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