roninduelist WALKING DEAD (#1-#48)
Walking Dead 28
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Walking Dead 28
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Issue #28. Rick, Michonne, and Glenn are prisoners. The Governor wants Rick and his crew to reveal where they came from, what supplies they have, and how many people are in their community. Rick refuses to tell the Governor anything. The Governor orders his men to hold Rick down while he chops off Rick's right hand. Rick passes out from the pain. Michonne attacks the Governor and bites a piece of his ear off.
Rick gets brought to the town doctor, named Doctor Stevens who begins to treat Rick's wound. Michonne is tied up and later brutally raped by the Governor. Glenn is locked up and helpless, just like the rest of his companions.
We learn that the Governor keeps his community entertained by having some of his men fighting in an arena, surrounded by chained zombies. He keeps his people fed by taking supplies from any strangers that comes to Woodbury. He kills them and feeds their carcass to the the kept zombies. He rules brutally behind the scenes and is extremely manipulative.
Meanwhile, Rick regains consciousness and is shocked to see his right hand missing. This Governor is one bad man.