Xavier Liked Me Best
Uncanny X-Men 281

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Comic Description: Uncanny X-Men 281 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0287109030
Owner: Colossus Keck


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Xavier Liked Me Best  Score: 60
Make peace with your gods, little man--you are next!  Score: 60
Perhaps you are not so brave, when Colossus is standing here, da?  Score: 60
Rise and Colossus shall strike you down again!  Score: 60
Alpha Seti IV  Score: 60
Wasting time on Friday  Score: 60
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Story Title:
Fresh Upstart
Jim Lee and While Portacio (plot), John Byrne (scripter), While Portacio (penciler), Art Thibert (inker) Tom Orzechowski (letters), Joe Rosas (colors), Bob Harras (editor), Tom DeFalco (editor in chief)

Brief Description:
Jean Grey, Storm, Iceman, Archangel and Colossus, at the request of the White Queen, are attending a party at the Hellfire Club, as the White Queen believes they are under threat, and that the X-Men will be the next target of her mysterious attackers. Jean struggles with being inside the place where the Phoenix became Dark Phoenix, while Iceman flirts with Roulette of the Hellions. The aggressive male Hellions Beef and Empath cause trouble for Colossus, before the White Queen appears with a spy whom she has captured. Meanwhile, Shinobi Shaw is partying with Trevor Fitzroy, and discuss the Upstarts. Shinobi offers Fitzroy some Sentinels, but Fitzroy reveals that he already has some - and some monitors display the Australian Outback, where the Reavers are being destroyed by Fitzroy’s Sentinels. Fitzroy leaves Shinobi, boasting that he is going to destroy the White Queen of the Hellfire Club next. The White Queen begins to psionically torture her prisoner. The psionic backlash affects Jean, so Storm begins to fight with the White Queen, which causes her Hellions to attack the X-Men. Bevatron takes down Storm, while Beef once more attacks Colossus, and Catseye and Tarot take on Iceman. Eventually, Jean ends the battles with a powerful psionic blast. The White Queen proceeds to explain why the X-Men have been asked here, but is still being cryptic, which Storm doesn’t appreciate. Jetstream is suddenly then killed by Trevor Fitzroy who mysteriously appears. Back in Australia, Pierce is pursued by the Reavers, and he encounters Deathstrike, who tries to help him, but the Sentinels display abilities she didn’t know they had. Cylla realizes that the Sentinels only want Pierce, so the two women lay low. Pierce makes it out of the Reavers’ base and finds Gateway, ordering him to teleport him to the person responsible for this attack. Gateway opens a portal and Pierce jumps into it - but so do three of the Sentinels! At the Hellfire Club, Fitzroy slaughters Beef, while the X-Men, White Queen and Hellions engage Fitzroy in battle - until things take a turn for the worse when a teleportation portal opens - and Pierce, followed by three Sentinels, emerges! Pierce is struck down by the Sentinels, who prepare to take on the X-Men, White Queen and Hellions. The White Queen is struck down first, before the battle spreads out onto the streets below, while Fitzroy watches with glee. Tarot is the next to fall, and before long, the battle is seemingly over. Senator Kelly arrives soon and gives the X-Men a lecture about endangering innocent lives, before the X-Men reveal that Jean Grey is dead!

Characters Involved:
Archangel, Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Storm (all X-Men)

White Queen (member of the Hellfire Club)

Beef, Bevatron, Catseye, Empath, Jetstream, Roulette, Tarot (all Hellions)

Bonebreaker, Cole, Cylla, Lady Deathstrike, Macon, Donald Pierce, Pretty Boy, Reese (all Reavers)

Fitzroy’s Sentinels

Hellfire Club staff


Shinobi’s butler

Police Officers


Rescue Workers


Story Notes:
The issue takes place after X-Men (2nd series) #5.
This is the first appearance of Trevor Fitzroy. The reason for his hatred for the Emma Frost has yet to be explained.
Cylla is incorrectly referred to as Cylia this issue.

While Reese, Cole, Macon, Pretty Boy and Bonebreaker are all seemingly destroyed this issue, as they appear, years later, in X-Treme X-Men Annual 2000.

The Phoenix was transformed into the Dark Phoenix, due in part to the scheming of the Hellfire Club, as seen in Uncanny X-Men #132-135.

Shinobi seemingly eliminated his father, Sebastian, in X-Factor (1st series) #67.

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Image #2

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