Amazing Spider-man 2 Volumes Worth!
Amazing Spider-Man 345

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Comic Description: Amazing Spider-Man 345 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 3732915025


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Amazing Spider-man the Man of Web  Score: 100
Amazing Spider-man (cont.)  Score: 100
Spider-man All Together Now, Amazing!  Score: 100
Amazing Spider-man the 3-400's  Score: 100
Amazing Spider-man 2 Volumes Worth!  Score: 100
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

9.8 Carnage! Venom breaks Eddie Brock out of prison, but part of the symbiote stays behind to keep the other prisoner Cletus Kasady company! An offspring of sorts, this will be interesting, can the world just get along? In preparation for the upcoming major onslaught, they've got the Boomerang. I'm a little surprised, but I see why I didn't pick up this issue from the stands. Something was off about it. Due to the blocky art that tried its best to look fluid, but it isn't, so I looked at it and passed. As a kid I loved yellow covers, but those reds were cool too. Given the explosiveness of #300, it was nice that they went back to the well of a lot of red. These Spidey's were getting a bit wonky, and the artists had a hard time in the juxtaposition that McFarlane took it too. It WAS well received though, eventually, if just for the story and how it was all wrapped up. There was Carnage coming out the eyeballs. Venom went on to be a "hero?" Chalk that up to a lesson learned. The drip drops left behind from Venom that started Carnage in this issue are leaving Cletus on his own resolve to rescue himself from the "No Man's Land" of prison.

Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of, "Land of the Bad!" Tagline: Leave No Man Behind. Starring Liam Hemsworth and Russel Crowe! Good old Thor and Zeus themselves. Ha-ha! What happens as the lone gunman or host "on their own" are surrounded by an impossible enemy in need of rescue? Rest assured the Carnage and mayhem brought about by no man's land needs to be circumvented by the Heros believing for some shred of justice and dignity. It always takes a higher power!

Graders Notes Unavailable.

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