My Introduction to Comic Collecting
Superman 80
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Comic Description:
Superman 80 Modern
Page Quality:
Certification #:
Brandon Shepherd
Owner's Description
Reign of the Supermen!: “Deadly Alliance"
Cover Date: August 1993
Dan Jurgens story
Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding cover & art
Mongul appearance.
Atomic bomb cover.
Grade Date: 02/15/2021
Acquired: 02/23/2021
The cover art has grown on me since I got a 9.8 example. The atomic explosion and wrath of the Cyborg Superman set the tone for the story nicely. My only complaint is petty, the face of the Eradicator a.k.a. the Last Son of Krypton is that of an old man. The cover should have left him with his yellow visor and hair intact, we actually don't see him as an injured old man until Action Comics #690 (08/93), after he rematerializes in the Fortress of Solitude. The back cover ad for Mortal Kombat takes me back to grade school, as well as the ads for the Terminator 2 video game on the back of the "Funeral for a Friend" issues.
Story Continued in Adventures of Superman #503 (08/93).