DD 1 to 380 plus 11 Annuals with 9.9's, SS and all WP's!!!
Daredevil 161

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Comic Description: Daredevil 161 Modern
Grade: 9.9
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0968843002
Owner: RMI High Tech


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Blinded by ALL the WHITE PAGES with 9.9s and SS too!!!  Score: 500
Gets the girl..but never keeps her!!  Score: 500
Nothing but WHITE Pages 9.9's/9.8's and the HIGHEST CGC Graded copies.  Score: 500
DD 1 to 380 plus 11 Annuals with 9.9's, SS and all WP's!!!  Score: 500
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

A 9.9 NINE.NINE WP Copy!
The ONLY one at 9.9!
500 is the highest CGC points available for this issue, being the solo 9.9 graded issue here
I also have a 9.8 WP SS Copy. A Direct Edition issue.
Signed by Roger McKenzie and Klaus Jansen, Currently worth 440 CGC points.
CENSUS: 1 in 9.9, 146 in 9.8, 177 in 9.6 out of 739 graded copies.
62 SS copies with 19 in 9.8, the highest SS graded copy as of September 2024.

prior notes...
CENSUS: 1 in 9.9, 133 in 9.8, 157 in 9.6 out of 660 graded copies.
43 SS copies, 14 in 9.8, the highest SS graded copy as of April 2023
Key Comments. Bullseye & Black Widow appearance.
Art Comments. Roger McKenzie story, Frank Miller & Klaus Janson cover & art.

Published in November 1979 on a 2 month schedule.

Prior notes...
CENSUS: as of June 2015.
1 copy in 9.9, the highest grade.
67 copies in 9.8.
81 more copies in 9.6 out of 313 graded copies.
7 SS copies. 3 graded at 9.8, with at least two of these signed by Klaus Janson and the other also or possibly by Stan Lee.
Great cover. This is also called a “Bondage” cover because Bullseye has the Black Widow (really a mannequin) tied on a Coney Island roller coaster track.
There were separate Direct Issues and Newstand variants for issue number 161 and this pattern follows through the entire Daredevil Miller era run. I have been told the numbers of direct edition vs newstand versions ranged proportionally 60-40 to 70-30 for each type, depending on the issue.
The newstand variants are much rarer in high grade, as they lived their life on a heavily fondled newstand, not in a direct edition mailer. This ratio also varies, with approximately one out of five (some issues one out of 20!) issues being graded 9.8 as a rarer newstand variant.
Newstand variants have the price in a square box next to the issue number at the top of the letter box, the direct editions have the price and issue number in a diamond shape within the letter box.
My issue in this set is a direct edition. I am hoping to add Klaus Janson to the SS label later this year.
A 40 cent issue.

VALUE: The 9.9 issue was first for sale about 5 years ago (for around $800) and eventually was offered on EBay at first for around $1500 and the $2500. I made a first offer of around $1250 and it was refused. I believe it was eventually sold the following year for somewhere just under $2000. It has not been seen since about 2013. If another appears, expect a similar amount.
Expect to pay $200 for a basic 9.8WP Copy, more if excellent structure ($300.00), and more again if signed ($400 and up). And a premium for the “Newstand variant”.
I have found this issue is pretty easy to get in great structure and also newstand issues seem to abound. It seems a candidate for another 9.9 someday.
I have seen no sketches on any SS copy.

Cover Artists, Frank Miller and Klaus Janson
Writer, Roger McKenzie.
Penciler, Frank Miller.
Inker, Klaus Janson.
Colorist, Glynis Wein.
Letterer, Diana Albers.
Editor, Allen Milgrom and Mary Joe Duffy.

ISSUE TITLE “To Dare the Devil”.
Daredevil follows Bullseye’s trap to Coney Island where he is lured to try to rescue the Black Widow who is seen to be tired to the roller coaster tracks (the cover). It is a ruse, and Daredevil figures this out AND the Black Widow escape AND they beat the brains outta Bullseye, capturing him, and turning him back over to the police.
Ben Urich is meanwhile digging into Matt Murdock’s past at his father’s old gym.
The “Man Without Fear” subtitle is back on the cover!
Published every 2 months.
Published November 1979.

Image #1

Image #2

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