Jane Foster—2nd Go Around
Thor 1 Midtown Comics Edition
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Comic Description:
Thor 1 Modern
Page Quality:
Certification #:
Owner's Description
Certification #: 2074054021
Title: Thor
Issue: 1
Issue Date: 12/14
Issue Year: 2014
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Grade: 9.8
Total Graded At: 38
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 10/07/2019
Variant: Midtown Comics Edition
Category: Modern
Art Comments: Jason Aaron story
Russell Dauterman art
Paul Renaud cover
Key Comments: Jane Foster becomes the new Thor.
Purchased on ebay from: “talkalot34”
This is the second copy of this variance I bought. The first through an auction. I bid. I won. This copy cost me about half of what I paid for the first one. It was graded 9 days (10-07-2019) before the first one (10-16-2019).
Order total:
Subtotal $43.00
Shipping $15.00
Alabama Sales Tax $3.44
Total $61.44
I can’t tell you why I bought this copy; not exactly. I saw it up for auction and just decided to bid on it. I won. Now, I possess 2 of the 38 copies available (unsigned)—with “raw” comics I buy, I usually get 2 copies…just in case 1 gets messed up or damage. I also have been known to swap/trade/sell the extra copy for another comic I’m interested in. Maybe that’s why I bought this copy…who knows.
A week ago, I didn’t own a single #1 issuance, now I have 2 of the same variants—go figure the luck of that happening. Both were bought way under market value in my opinion.
Synopsis for Thor #1:
The great hammer of MJOLNIR lies on the moon, unable to be lifted by anyone in all the heavens! Even Thor!—Something dark has befallen the God of Thunder, leaving him weakened and for the first time in forever…UNWORTHY! But when frost giants invade the Earth, the hammer is lifted, and an all-new THOR arises! A Thor unlike any ever seen before!
Who is this new GODDESS OF THUNDER? Not even Odin knows!
Thanks for your time, read, and look. Have a great day my friends.
Posted 11-24-2019