Worst Fantastic Four...EVER
Fantastic Four 6
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Fantastic Four 6 Universal
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Owner's Description
So much is to be said about this book. Previous top ten Registry point leader (although he wasn't number one) passed away in April of 2024. His collection was by far the best I have ever seen in person. I was always amazed at his high grades as equally as he was confused about my point fives. The wonderful thing is about that friendship was he supported it. And occasionally he supported it by sending me some low grades. This one however was sent postmortem. On a backing board showed either how long he had it or that he wrote to me two days before he died. I will never know which.
I turned this book over to CGC at Baltimore Comic Con 2024. I wanted it graded right away. I was disappointed it received a qualified label with a higher grade than my desired results. It had to go back to the offices in Florida. I found out it could not be graded a .5 since it had a married page. Of course, I wanted an immediate divorce. They rectified the cause and removed the married page... And as a result I have a wonderful last gift graded in a way he never would have understood...Thank you RonnyLama and thank you Shivabali for making sure it was sent to me
There are currently (5-Jan-25) 28 Graded as a Point five. 26 of which are Universal, while the other two have been restored. How cool is that... a restored point five.