X-men the Complete Workaholic!
Giant-Size X-Men 1

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Comic Description: Giant-Size X-Men 1 Signature
Grade: 8.0
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 2124520001


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: X-men the Complete Workaholic!  Score: 3080
X-men ----- Continues to be Uncanny!  Score: 3080
X-men Saga  Score: 3080
Bronze Age Variants  Score: 3080
X-men Do Your Best BuB!  Score: 3080
These are the Bronze!  Score: 3080
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

The 1st new X-Men. This is THE X-men that we all know and love and cherish. The old guard were too, but this is a continuing saga! This issue I'm glad I stuck my neck out financially to obtain. It has since gone up in value, and having a reprint to read does me just fine! When originally, I bought this it was a lowly 7.0 blue label. Then Claremont was announced by CGC at an in-house signing. Well, that was a dream come true, as this issue's written ending had an assist by Claremont. Len Wein and others couldn't figure out a proper discourse of a way to wrap it all up. I submitted to Joeypost (a presser) to press the book prior to the signing. Coming back 8.0, wow, what a result! This one with the grade bump and the addition of the Claremont signature is amazing in hand. It also looks really nice with the related Giant Size X-men cover Limited Label.

Complete with a back cover picture of, my under-copy reprint and the fate of Krakoa the living mutant island! Claremont described the situation to Peter Sanderson in the X-Men Companion... "Len and Dave Cockrum were evolving the new X-Men concept. And they'd be sitting in Len's office... plotting it. I would be sitting there just outside proofreading. I'd wander in and say, 'Can I listen?' and they'd say 'Sure.' They'd evolved the whole first issue of Giant-Size except the ending. They needed a way to get rid of Krakoa utilizing the powers of the X-Men. I was thinking about it, and I thought, well, we've got Lorna Dane, who has since become Polaris, here, and her power is magnetism, so why don't you just have her slice across the magnetic lines of force, the gravimetric lines of force? And then the speed of the Earth's rotation on its axis would just squirt it up and away it would go. In a sense Krakoa would stay in place while the Earth just rotated around its axis and revolved around the sun away from it. And off he goes into the wild blue yonder. It would be like taking a bar of soap and watching it go Pfffttt! right the air... Len thought it was a great idea and Dave came up with the visuals and that was that."

Grader Notes:
bend left center of front cover;
light fingerprints left top of back cover;
tear left bottom of front cover;
tear with crease left center of back cover.

Image #1

Image #2

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