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Curse of the Spawn 9 Universal
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This is the very first one ever graded! YES!
Curse of the Spawn 9: The Origin of Angela!
I love keys. And I love rare books. And I love OAKs. But I especially love when I am the first to introduce a comic book to the CGC Census, and one that combines all three of these virtues.
This is the other Angela key (see Spawn 9 Newsstand Variant), the other rare one and OAK, which I have the pleasure to debut to you all: Curse of the Spawn 9: The Origin of Angela. Yep! That's right! In these very pages we get a first hand look at the creation of the heavenly creature Angela.
Now truth be told, Curse of the Spawn 9 is not a very rare book. No, not at all. There are plenty of raw copies floating in eBay just waiting for someone to pick 'em up, or discover them in the back issue bins of your local LCS. That's how I got these 6, going from LCS to LCS, amassing a total of 20, but cherry picking these 6 as the best of the best from those 20 and getting them graded. But finding a 9.8 or 9.6 wasn't easy... but I am sure there are plenty of mint copies out there.
However, for some odd reason, no collector ever got one graded... that is until yours truly came along. I currently (as of October 6, 2013) have the first six Curse of the Spawn 9's ever graded: five 9.8's and one 9.6... which, I predict, for the briefest of moments, makes them rare indeed. But I am certain the word will get out, and by next week 1,000 more will follow.
And although the graders of CGC have erroneously omitted this key detail from the Key Notes, Curse of the Spawn 9 is where Angela's origin is first explained.
Here's a synopsis I borrowed without permission from ComiXology on Curse of the Spawn 9: "Angela has been commissioned by the survivors of the planet Pentagus-Fraser to destroy the evil ravaging their planet. Amidst the melee, Angela battles the arachnid beast, Argus. She becomes distracted by the face of the mysterious Deurges long enough to become entangled in Argus' Web. After her capture the legend of Angela's origin is revealed in flashbacks of the lives of the sacrificing souls that were blended to become the Heavenly warrior. In each case the last thing they see is the dispassionate face of Deurges". Visit the page at:
Curse of the Spawn 9!
Thanks for reading.