Comic Description: New Mutants 87
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1134614030
Owner: kaholo1256


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Extra Mutants  Score: 304
Some Blue Label's  Score: 304
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description


"A Show of Power"


This was the 4th one to this Set I added but yet the first one my heart was set out to obtain. This was the first appearance of my favorite character in Marvel comics. There have been many enjoyable characters, Magik, Colossus, Hope and a few other likes but this was the first Character that truly made me look at him and say he was a bad ass. I think at the time I was still riding high from the terminator movie and my icon in Arnold that somehow I saw Cable and immediately saw the similarities.

“It's metal, doc. I can make another one.” - Cable
"With two paper clips and a screw driver right?" - Doc


Published: March 1990

KEY ISSUE: I will punch you in the mouth if you say it isn’t…cause it is. This was the first full appearance of the grown up baby Scott Summers discards into the future, CABLE. Can’t say enough about how much I enjoy him as a character but I really think it was at this point where New Mutants truly jumped on the crazy train to X-Forceville.

Louise Simonson story
Rob Liefeld Pencils
Bob Wiacek Inks
Mike Rockwitz Colorist
Rob Liefeld & Todd McFarlane Cover


Holy *spoon* with this one. So in total there are a grand total of 2065 Total that have been graded. Yep, that’s TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTY FIVE. Just wanted to put that into prospective. That’s a lot of graded issues. And why not it’s a KEY issues in the series. Although I do have to say it is still only a few thousand shy of the most graded issue of the entire series. That one comes up in a few. Anyways off topic. A grand total of 589 at 9.8 and of those there are 86 at 9.8SS, 3 with a qualified, and even an OAK that was restored. There are however 5 total that were graded as 9.9’s with 2 of those having been 9.9SS so there is always hope I can have this one pressed after it’s signed.


This one is a big issue for me and is my first true Grail of my collection. I purchased this one on a Saturday from a fellow boardie, received on the following Saturday, and mailed right back out to a fellow boardie facilitator (Glynn) to have him get it signed by Penciler and Cover Artist Rob Liefeld. Following that it will be sent to CCS for pressing followed by grading. If it retains the 9.8 it will get moved on to be signed by Todd later during another show but if it by chance goes higher… A guy can dream… It will stay right as it is.


Nope, but I am well on my way to achieving the first half of it though. Currently I am most excited that today October 25th 2013 in the States was day one of the Alamo City Comic Con, and tomorrow it goes for signing along with 3 others. This one is on the Fast Track list so hopefully CCS and CGC are quick, fast, and generous to me on both this one and the other 3.


This one came with great luck when looking on the for sale portion of the boards. Another boardie (Sardo Numspar) was willing to let this one go at one of those can’t pass up prices and followed by a quick facetime chat with the wife I was able to pick up both this grail along with 3 others I listed at the same time.

So quick run down here, the MLF are currently busting through a research station, as all evil villains do, looking for Skids and Rusty while along the way creating a little mayhem. Old Man Hibbert “Cable” is hot on their trail and eventually ends up going toe-to-toe with the MLF but aside from knocking out Tempest with the first shot, knocking out Reaper with one punch, and what should have been an easy choke slam to Strobe ends up some how losing the fight???

Not sure what the heck happens but what we do see is the MLF melting Cables arm and simply leaving without giving any explanation of what the heck is going on from this point. I guess Cable loses… I’m guessing he gets caught by the Freedom Force… but it doesn’t really go into it. It just skips to the humans shooting Rusty and the MLF running away.

Off in Valhalla, the New Mutants are returning on a Warlock ship and decide to ditch Moonstar as she is obligated to fulfill her Valkyrie amazon woman stuff and off they go with no idea they are about to work for a complete sociopath in a few days. Oh another cool thing we are finally introduced to one of my all time favorite Villains in Stryfe.

15 December 2013 - Ok so currently this one is at CCS in the "In Progress" stages of being pressed. Has been since 17 Nov 2013, and was supposed to be Fast Tracked through which is making me worried as this one and the #98 were both sent in with this one.

Anyways the Summary has been changed to reflect the actual book itself. Enjoy.

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