roninduelist WALKING DEAD (#1-#48)
Walking Dead 4

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Comic Description: Walking Dead 4
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1185140005
Owner: roninduelist


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: roninduelist WALKING DEAD Set  Score: 264
roninduelist WALKING DEAD Collection with Variants  Score: 264
roninduelist WALKING DEAD (#1-#48)  Score: 264
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Signature Series. Signed by Tony Moore!

Issue #4. After barely surviving a zombie attack, Rick realizes that the camp is too vulnerable without firearms for defense. Rick and Glenn formulate a plan to go back into the City of Atlanta and obtain guns from a gun store. Lori protests Rick's idea, but agrees with his assessment. The problem is, the gun store is located deep inside a city where the zombie population is fairly high. We discover that humans can mask their scent from the dead by rubbing zombie body parts onto clothes and skin.

With zombie blood and gore rubbed on their clothes, Rick and Glenn made it to the gun store. They grabbed some guns and ammunition and threw them into a shopping cart, and exit the store. All is well until some unexpected rain spoiled the party. The rain washes away the zombie stink from Rick and Glenn and the zombies attack. Eventually, they make it out of the city with the guns and the skin of their teeth.

Classic suspense!

Image #1

Image #2

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