roninduelist WALKING DEAD (#1-#48)
Walking Dead 11
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Walking Dead 11 Signature
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Signature Series. Signed by Tony Moore.
Issue #11. Hershel has been capturing and keeping wandering walkers inside his barn, and some of those walkers are former family members. He fervently believes that these walkers are living humans who were simply infected with a disease that may be curable one day. Rick is shocked and disagrees. Hershel is shocked that the group had been killing these "poor victims". As guests, Rick didn't want to push Hershel any further.
The next day, the group is target shooting close to a neighboring farm. Hershel runs out and tells them to stop shooting at his neighbor's property (even though his neighbors are dead and current reside in the barn). During this incident, a walker wanders by. Hershel grabs the zombie from behind and takes it to the barn for storage. While opening the door, Hershel was knocked down by a large zombie from behind the door. Arnold runs over and saves his dad from an attacking zombie only to be bitten by his own zombie brother (Shawn). Lacey attempts to save her brother Arnold but is quickly overtaken by multiple zombie and ripped apart.
Hershel, filled with grief begins to shoot and destroy the surrounding zombies, including his sons. A crushed Hershel finally accepts the reality of the zombie apocalypse.
Meanwhile.....Julia and Chris are plotting something that they are keeping secret.