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The Hobgoblin Saga

Category:  Character Runs
Owner:  pmpknface
Last Modified:  6/26/2024
Set Description

This set is for my favorite Spider-Man villain, the one and only HOBGOBLIN! I grew up in the Hobby era and always dug him. Jack O'Lantern made fewer appearances but I loved his design. Together they wore the mantle of the Hobgoblin for years so this set is for both of them under each of their aliases. I'd like as many Hobgoblin and Jack O'Lantern covers as I can. I'm including the other pumpkin-themed baddie in here as they as so closely tied, with Jason Macendale holding the mantle of both. I may add Demogoblin in here at some point too. Collecting is fun! :)

Although I’m calling this a Hobgoblin set Jason Macendale, aka: Jack O’Lantern appeared first. After showing up in a Frank Miller cover on Machine Man #19 he popped up in Spectacular Spider-Man #56, yet another Miller cover, and this one is killer!

Eventually the Hobgoblin made his appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #238, one of the more classic covers of the Copper Age. As he appeared in all of the Spider-Man books over the next few years the “mystery of the Hobgoblin” deepened! Roger Stern was all over the place, giving us red herrings and kept readers guessing. The letters pages of these issues were a lot of fun to read.

Eventually there was a big reveal in Amazing Spider-Man #289, but that was not to be the end! Macendale took over the orange cowl after that for the next decade or so until the story came back again! Stern returned along with Roderick Kingsley who had been alive and well this entire time and was actually the Hobgoblin and it was not Ned Leeds (who we were led to believe it was) who was dead. How’s that for some crazy soap opera storylines? Of course there’s a lot more to the story including possession, other Hobgoblins, other Halloween themed characters, and a whole lot more! Thankfully Roderick is still around causing havoc in the Marvel Universe.

To make this set more interesting I'm going to try to put them in chronological order as best I can. This will differ from the order of publication by a little bit, but not too much. I've got a plan, so let's see how it pans out!

Ideally, I’d like to have a set with books in 9.8 with white pages. Got any I'm missing? Send me a message! Thanks for looking!

For more information on Roderick Kingsley GO HERE!
For more information on Jason Macendale Jr GO HERE!
This is A Spider-Man Fan’s Guide to the Essential Hobgoblin Stories!

Set Goals

I'm not sure how many issues of his I'll eventually have graded copies of, but I'll add them as I acquire them. I'd like all of any early ASM / PPSSM / Web Of era covers until his "death" for sure but it's impossible to stop there. At this time cover appearances are more important than issues where there was just an appearance / cameo.

The fun ones to track down are the random appearances that these characters made in non-Spidey titles. For some there are very few - if ANY - in 9.8, so it's not easy. Even some of the modern covers are scarce in my preferred grade. But that's not stopping me! ;)

Ideally I'd like any appearance and maybe even add in the Hallows Eve and Demogoblin issues too! It helps that there are a lot of issues where there are appearances by multiple characters.

Some will be issues that I got off the rack or out of bins and others much later. Let's go!!!

Slot Name
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Owner Comments
MM_19 Machine Man 19 Modern 9.8 1st Jack O'Lantern! So happy to have this one, and a NS copy to boot. Besides Norman, Jason Phillip Macendale started off the next wave of pumpkin throwing baddies to take on the wall crawler. Kingsley was not far behind, and eventually they would be tied under the orange hood. View Comic
PPSSM_56 Spectacular Spider-Man 56 Modern 9.8 What a cover! Jack and Spidey meet up for the first time! This one should be a bronze age classic, with the black and white webbed background the colors of the characters just fly off the page! Thank you Frank Miller and Bob Wiacek! View Comic
ASM_238a Amazing Spider-Man 238 Modern 9.8 1st HOBGOBLIN! My favorite villain! :D I didn't get this copy off the stands, but it happens to be a NS copy. I did get it in the mid-90's and had it graded myself. This copy will have to do instead of my 9.8 / WP criteria, but if it's the only copy I ever have that's just fine as it's been mine for decades. View Comic
ASM_238b Amazing Spider-Man 238 Modern 6.0 1st HOBGOBLIN! My favorite villain! :D I didn't get this copy off the stands, but it happens to be a NS copy. I did get it in the mid-90's and had it graded myself. This copy will have to do instead of my 9.8 / WP criteria, but if it's the only copy I ever have that's just fine as it's been mine for decades. View Comic
ASM_239 Amazing Spider-Man 239 Modern 9.8 Spider-Man and Hobgoblin meet! JR JR & Milgrom totally rock this cover! With the face in the background and the battle going on it's the template for the best Hobgoblin covers that would follow.

This is a really sweet copy too, with the black bar on the spine showing, the CCA label not cut off, and the top showing it's centered. I'm super excited about this book!
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ASM_244 Amazing Spider-Man 244 Modern 9.8 3rd app of Hobgoblin! One of the killer covers of my childhood. <3 View Comic
ASM_245 Amazing Spider-Man 245 Modern 9.8 The Hobgoblin is... Lefty Donovan? Not quite! I love this Romita cover of Spidey's head up close! View Comic
PPSSM_85a Spectacular Spider-Man 85 Modern 9.8 One of my fav Hobby covers ever, with the Black Cat in tow! This one is important, as it's the issue where Hobby uses a version of the goblin formula to up his power levels. It's right in the middle of my favorite era of reading when I was young, so to have a 9.8 of this one is something special. View Comic
PPSSM_85b Spectacular Spider-Man 85 Modern 9.4 One of my fav Hobby covers ever, with the Black Cat in tow! View Comic
ASM_249 Amazing Spider-Man 249 Modern 9.8 What's more intimidating than the Hobgoblin, maybe the Kingpin! This is a sharp blue cover in 9.8 which makes it a tough to find in grade issue. Plus it's a John Byrne cover! Psyched to locate this one! View Comic
ASM_250 Amazing Spider-Man 250 Modern 9.8 "It's GREAT - Steal it!"

Isn't the Hogoblin a great role model?

Seriously, what a great cover! Jr Jr and Janson capture the best of this "normal sized" anniversary issue in epic fashion! This pose has even been swiped a few times, most notably on ASM #375 with Venom.

With both characters in full-figure and neither obstructed, this may be the best cover with them both. CLASSIC!!!

Note: Hobgoblin's appearances in Sensational She-Hulk #29 & #30 take place between pages 19 and 20 of this issue.
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Sen_SH_30 Sensational She-Hulk 30 Modern 9.8 Here's an out-of-time appearance of the Hobgoblin under a Mike Zeck cover.
It actually takes place between pages 19 and 20 of ASM #250. Therefore I've got it high up on my Hobgoblin list , as I'm making it in chronological order.
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ASM_251 Amazing Spider-Man 251 Modern 9.8 Endings - not quite! The battle with the Hobgoblin continues and Spidey gets Hobgoblin's mask, but he escapes to fight another day. A striking cover by Ed & Klaus, and 1 issue before the black costume makes an appearance! View Comic
ASM_254 Amazing Spider-Man 254 Modern 9.8 Battle for the Battle Van! The Hobgoblin left it in the river, but the Jack O'Lantern wants it! I wish he was featured more on this one, but I know it's him! View Comic
SySM_AR_3C Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality 3 Modern 9.8 This is one of a set of covers to this series by long-time Web Of artist Alex Saviuk! It seems he hasn't lost his touch as Hobgoblin looks great! Cool ASM 121 throwback too!

Note: This is a modern mini-series but the story takes place before ASM #257, so I'm placing this earlier on in my listing.
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ASM_259 Amazing Spider-Man 259 Modern 9.8 The red & blue Spidey is back! MJ's origin and the Hobgoblin too! View Comic
ASM_260 Amazing Spider-Man 260 Modern 9.8 CRASH! Likely the best Spidey vs. Hobgoblin battle cover there is! Poor Harry doesn't know what is happening! I also wonder how many times the logo was purple? So cool! Love this cover!!! View Comic
ASM_261 Amazing Spider-Man 261 Modern 9.8 One of the coolest Hobgoblin covers by non other than Charles Vess! Spidey and Hobgoblin are fighting in a warehouse that's caught on fire and it's collapsing around them!

Hobby has never looked so cool, with Spider-Man at his feet and his victorious hand outstretching over the logo. A stellar copy of one of the most classic ASM bronze age covers!
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ASM_275 Amazing Spider-Man 275 Modern 9.8 Giant 275th issue! Literally jumping out of the page this is one of the best Hobgoblin fight covers out there! A complete story and Amazing Fantasy 15 all under one cover. I love this book! View Comic
ASM_276 Amazing Spider-Man 276 Modern 9.8 The Hobgoblin is... Flash Thompson!?!?! NO!!! And, no it's not - but Spidey thought it was for a minute! Almost a sister cover to #245, but still unique and very cool! View Comic
ASM_277 Amazing Spider-Man 277 Signature 9.8 Charles Vess covers Spidey here. Too bad this one was so label centric, it would have left more room for Spidey. I was lucky to snag this SS copy though! View Comic
ASM_278 Amazing Spider-Man 278 Modern 9.8 Not Flash! He's framed for being the Hobgoblin (who also is in this one) in this striking cover. View Comic
ASM_279 Amazing Spider-Man 279 Signature 9.8 Where's Spider-man? I don't know, but that's not stopping Silver Sable fighting the Jack O'Lantern! Pretty cool cover, even with a chunk of it being taken by the "Where is" title.
So psyched to have this one to add to my Hobgoblin private set, as it one of the harder ones to get! Jack wasn't on my ASM covers but now I've got 'em both!
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PP_21 Power Pack 29 Modern 9.8 Pretty cool cover with Spidey in the black outfit and Hobby grabbing the two kiddos. I wish there was some background, but the white cover is kinda cool. Glad to have this early appearance in the collection! View Comic
PPSSM_130 Spectacular Spider-Man 130 Modern 9.8 Finally! One of the coolest and HTF in high grade Hobgoblin covers from the 80's! I'm not too familiar with Jim Fern, but both he and Bob Layton nailed the characters on this cover. Super excited to have this one as part of the collection!

I'm trying to put the Hobgoblin issues in chronological order in my custom set, but this one is tough. I've got it here as the narrative in this issue states that it occurs prior to Amazing Spider-Man #289. Specifically it takes place between Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #120 and #121. Therefore I put it before the ASM Gang War story leading into Ned's death.
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ASM_280 Amazing Spider-Man 280 Modern 9.8 Meet the Sinister Syndicate Spidey! Even with Silver Sable's help you're gonna have your hands full!

Not noted, but Hobgoblin AND the Jack O'Lantern also make appearances! That alone would have made it a must have for me, but right before the gang war starts, we've got a stacked lineup for this issue!
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ASM_283 Amazing Spider-Man 283 Modern 9.8 Cool Bob Layton cover featuring the Absorbing Man and Titania. I kinda wish she was in costume, but not bad. The Wasp and Hobgoblin also show up!

The Hobgoblin saga is really in full effect during this time and the Gang War is brewing...
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ASM_284 Amazing Spider-Man 284 Modern 9.8 Finally! I've been wanting this book for a while, as it has both the Hobgoblin and Jack O'Lantern on the cover along with the Rose, Hammerhead, and even a Punisher appearance! Spidey isn't even there! The yellow story title pops off the background and I love the characters coming right at you!

One of the famous Marvel Gang Wars starts here underneath a tough black cover and this copy with white pages!

This is one of the toughest covers in this era to find in 9.8, and I'm psyched to own it! :D
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ASM_285 Amazing Spider-Man 285 Modern 9.8 Man, does the Punisher love his bazookas or what! The gang war rages on with this epic Mike Zeck cover where Spider-Man takes a back seat to the man with the shoulder-cannon. Lots of characters here with Hammerhead, the Rose, Jack O'Lantern, and Hobgoblin all taking part in the mayhem! View Comic
ASM_286 Amazing Spider-Man 286 Modern 9.8 Spider-Man and Hobgoblin team up? man this gang war made people choose some weird sides! Rose is obviously in this one and Jack O'Lantern makes an appearance too! Not the best cover in the run, but it is cool to see Spidey catch a ride from Hobgoblin! View Comic
ASM_288 Amazing Spider-Man 288 Modern 9.8 A star-studded finale to the Gang War! Kingpin, Hammerhead, Falcon, Daredevil, Black Cat (in an odd phase), and the Hobgoblin too! Sharp blue & purple cover too, which really makes the logo pop! View Comic
Sp_c_Wv_1 Spider-Man vs. Wolverine 1 Modern 9.8 I was finally able to upgrade to this 9.8 WP copy of one of my favorite copper age books! View Comic
SM_v_Wv_1a Spider-Man vs. Wolverine 1 Modern 9.4 Old brown label goodness! And of course the death of poor Ned Leeds, the non-quite Hobgoblin View Comic
ASM_289 Amazing Spider-Man 289 Modern 9.8 This is it (kind of)! I remember getting this at the comic store and couldn't wait to get home to read it. For years this ended the Hobgoblin saga, before it was picked up and we learn what "really" happened. Poor Ned's fate was revealed here in this double-sized and guest-appearance filled issue! View Comic
PPSSP_146 Spectacular Spider-Man 146 Modern 9.8 The Inferno is raging all over NYC! While our hero help Norman, whose factory itself is attacking him, the Hobgoblin lurks in the background...

Very few of this one on the census, and even less in 9.8! And a newsstand issue as a bonus!
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Web_Of_37 Web of Spider-Man 47 Modern 9.8 Here's an early appearance of Macendale as Hobgoblin, and a darn cool cover too! View Comic
ASM_312 Amazing Spider-Man 312 Modern 9.8 It finally happens here! After years, the Green Goblin finally battles the Hobgoblin! Sure, it's Harry and Jason and not Norman vs. Kingsley but who cares!

Of course I'd been wanting this one in 9.8 for a long time because of the awesome McFarlane cover. As great as he renders his pumpkin bombs I love that he didn't forget about the razor bats here! With the white and smoky background the villains colors really pop off the page. And as much as people want to chase newstand issues, I wanted this direct version with the extra Hobby pic in the UPC box!

Gotta love a cover where the title character takes not 2nd but 3rd stage because there's too much going on! ;)
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PPSSM_147 Spectacular Spider-Man 147 Modern 9.8 Inferno reached the Daily Bugle! Spider-Man is doing his best, but that's not the real story of this book....

The biggest event happens at the end, when Jason Macendale makes his deal with the devil - literally! He's granted powers by the demon N'Astrah which transforms him into the demonic Hobgoblin and adds to the Spidey mythos! Of course the entities would eventually separate but Macendale was one messed up dude for a few years.

This is a key book in my Hobgoblin Saga run! :D
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Web_Of_48 Web of Spider-Man 48 Modern 9.8 Inferno is raging and Hobgoblin has gone full demonic! This is the first encounter Spider-Man with Macendale since his deal with a demon. Also appearances by the Kingpin and the Lizard! View Comic
ASM_V5_75 Amazing Spider-Man 75 Modern 9.8 Love this Marvel Masterpieces variant of my boy Hobgoblin all possessed!

NOTE: I know this comic's contents take place much later, but it's a retro cover of Hobby when he was still 1/2 demon so I put it in that timeframe.
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DrSt_SS_11 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme 11 Modern 9.8 Jackson Guice was really on his game with these Dr. Strange covers!

This one took me forever to track down, but I needed it for my Hobgoblin run. It's a semi-key, as Stephen casts a spell so that Macendale doesn't think he looks like a demon anymore.

Also - pumpkins! :D
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PPSSM_161 Spectacular Spider-Man 161 Modern 9.8 Let's Party! Right now Mr. Fantastic and the Puma arrived, but soon Carrion will join in the fun! Macendale is fresh off of his last encounter with Spider-Man & Dr. Strange and is ready to set the world on fire!

This is a tough one to get with very few on the census. Happy to have it!
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SSM_162 Spectacular Spider-Man 162 Modern 9.8 Tough black cover with Hobgoblin & Carrion! View Comic
SM_6 Spider-Man 6 Modern 9.8 Love McFarlane doing Hobby! A bit too much of the light green, but otherwise a totally jaw-dropping cover! View Comic
Darkhawk_2 Darkhawk 2 Modern 9.8 Hobgoblin makes a cover appearance as Darkhawk's first test as a hero, but don't worry - Spider-Man's here to help! View Comic
Darkhawk_3 Darkhawk 3 Modern 9.8 Our new hero and Spider-Man take on the Hobgoblin in the 3-parter finale! Love the reflection in Darkhawk's costume! View Comic
GR_V2_16 Ghost Rider v2 #16 Modern 9.8 Tex doing a cool Hobgoblin reflection cover with Spidey and GR! Nice detail on the pumpkins too! View Comic
GR_17 Ghost Rider v2 #17 Modern 9.8 Spidey and Hobgoblin appear not long after Hobby got possessed. Cool Tex cover too! View Comic
MS_MK_32 Marc Spector: Moon Knight 32 Modern 9.8 Amazing close up of MK and Hobgoblin with Spidey along to stop the madness! View Comic
MS_MK_33 Marc Spector: Moon Knight 33 Signature 9.8 I didn't expect to grab a SS copy, but I got one! MK is there and Spidey in black while a possessed Hobgoblin losing it! View Comic
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