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Fun items I picked up along the way

Category:  CGC Signature Series
Owner:  The Captain
Last Modified:  6/20/2024
Set Description
Just things I have collected.

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Buy what I like.

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Owner Comments
Marvel Guide to Collecting Comics Marvel Guide to Collecting Comics nn Signature 9.8 1982

Mark Burbey - Writer
Deb Pedlar & Walter Simonson - Cover Artists
Mike Friedrich & Jim Shooter - Editors

The Marvel Guide to Collecting Comics featured a lovely cover by Walt Simonson and was put together by Mark Burbey. It provided a basic introduction to comic book collecting, including a list of terms (Back Issue, Silver Age, Fanzine, etc...), comic book condition guidelines, an investment guide, a storage guide, and a variety of other great collecting tips. Newsprint edition, 16-color pages, comic book-sized, illustrated with images of Marvel's most popular heroes-- The X-Men, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Daredevil and more.

- Signed (and Excelsior) by: Stan Lee on 08/13/2017
- The Marvel Comics Guide To Collecting Comics was published in November 1982 as a 16-page bonus insert in Amazing Spider-Man #234.
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300 25th Anniversary NYCC Special Edition 300 25th Anniversary NYCC Special Edition 1 Signature 9.8 October, 1022


Frank Miller - Writer
Frank Miller - Penciler
Frank Miller - Inkers
Jock - Cover Artist
Lynn Varley - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Diana Schutz- Editor

In 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta gathers just 300 of his best men to fight the upcoming Persian invasion. In what is likely a suicide mission due to the massive number of Persians, they and their allies plan to stop King Xerxes' invasion of Greece at the narrow cliffs of the "Hot Gates" (Thermopylae). The terrain prevents the Greeks from being overwhelmed by Xerxes' superior numbers (a military tactic usually called "defeat in detail").

-Signed by Frank Miller on 10/09/2022
-Signed by Jock on 10/09/2022
-NYCC 30th Anniversary Special Edition
-Virgin Cover
-300 CGC Label
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Amazing Spider-Man 1 - Ramos Sketch Amazing Spider-Man 1 Signature 9.4
"Lucky to Be Alive"

Dan Slott - Writer
Humberto Ramos - Penciler
Victor Olazaba - Inkers
Humberto Ramos - Cover Artist
Edgar Delgado - Colorist
Chris Eliopoulos - Letterer
Ellie Pyle & Nick Lowe- Editors

Thirteen years ago, a young 15-year-old named Peter Parker was on a school field trip to a science lab. There a spider got a large dose of radioactivity. Dying for life, the spider bit Peter on the hand. We all know this story of the origin of the Amazing Spider-Man. But what we don't know is that something else happened too. The spider didn't die right away. Instead it crawled on the floor and bit a young dark-haired girl near the ankle. Her name is Silk. And she is Spider-Man's Original Sin.

-Signed & Sketched by Humberto Ramos on 08/27/2022
-Sketch Cover
-Amazing Reality takes place during the storyline Learning to Crawl.
-Peter's being bitten by the spider was described as taking place fifteen years ago in Alias #22 (2003).

-This comic had over 600,000 pre-orders and sales - more than any other individual comic book of the 21st century.
-Spider-Woman and Captain America both acknowledge that Peter is Spider-Man in this issue. While Spider-Woman discovered this in New Avengers #51, it is unknown how Cap knows this.

Quote: "A stray Spider accidentally absorbs a fantastic amount of radioactivity. The dying insect, in sudden shock... Bites the nearest living thing... At the split second before life ebbs from it's radioactive body! But there's something you should know... A lot can happen in a split second." —Narrator
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Batman 423 - Fan Expo Gold Foil Variant Batman 423 Signature 9.8 Batman 423
Fan Expo Exclusive

Signed By: Todd McFarlane on 12/06/2022
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Amazing Spider-Man 300 - Mexican Foil Variant Amazing Spider-Man 300 Signature 9.8 2022


David Michelinie - Writer
Todd McFarlane - Penciler
Todd McFarlane - Cover Artist
Bob McLeod - Inker
Bob Sharen - Colorist
Rick Parker - Letterer
Jim Salicrup - Editor
Tom DeFalco - Editor-in-Chief

After 'Venom' surprised Mary Jane at her apartment last issue she is in total shock. Peter comes back and tries to help her get her thoughts together. He knows that Mary Jane is quite a tough woman, so whatever did this to her must have been really horrible.
Mary Jane can't stay at the apartment that night because it scares her so much so her and Peter stay in a hotel that night. She then tells Peter that they can move into the luxury Beford Towers. Mary Jane has the idea to get some pre- move pictures so Peter swings (literally) over to his old Chelsea Street apartment to get his camera...and the Fantastic Four's sonic blaster for the symbiote.
As he's walking out, someone's following him. So he ducks into an alley and swings off as Spider-Man to get away.
While Peter is having dinner at Aunt May's, we go to Our Lady Of The Saints Church where a man talking to himself until a security guard tells him to stop because he broke in. But all of a sudden the black symbiote comes over the man and he kills the guard despite not wanting to. "But nothing can in the way of our plans! Nothing will!" he says.
Meanwhile, at the new Parker residence, some of their friends are helping out moving stuff into their new apartment. Peter's talking to Robbie Robertson out on the balcony when he see's the symbiote swinging past and rushes off!
Spidey follows the symbiote to an abandoned building where they fight for a bit until Venom reveals his identity as Eddie Brock! An origin story follows that tells of Brock being a journalist for the Daily Globe and writing articles about the Sin Eater a few months back. He says he got a call from a man claiming to be the Sin Eater! Of course, Brock writes a story about it but when Spider-Man reveals that really Stan Carter was the Sin Eater Brock was fired, The Globe was a laughing stock and his peers questioned his ethics. And Brock blamed Spider-Man for all this, if he hadn't of butted in, none of this would've happened...
Then, just as he was about to commit suicide, he was asking for forgiveness at the Lady Of Our Saints Church when the symbiote fell down onto him! They were joined...and he knew everything about Spider-Man! So now Brock had the power to destroy his most hated enemy.
Back in the present, Spider-Man is just about to jump for the sonic blaster when they start fighting again! Spider-Man thinks he's knocked out Venom with a steel girder so he decides to go off, think of a new plan when all of a sudden he's swung back into the building by Venom and knocked out!
When he wakes up, Spider-Man finds himself in a huge web ball inside the bell of Our Lady Of Saints Church! Venom is going to kill him with extreme sound from the bell. The clapper starts and only Spider-Man's super-strength saves him the first few times, but he can't keep it up for any longer. So he holds on to the bell and that rips him out of the web ball! So now it's for Round Two with Venom.
They start fighting on the roof of the church when Spidey devises a plan. The symbiote must have a limited amount of webbing; and it must of used most of it to make the huge web ball, so if Spidey kicked Venom off he would shoot webbing up to save him, but if cut the webbing (with a bit of sharp roofing he found), Venom's webbing reserves would deplete! So he goes ahead with the plan and it works. Brock falls but is still alive, along with the symbiote. So Spidey takes them both (they're knocked out) to the Fantastic Four headquarters where they are kept in a special tank until a special prison cell can be made for them at the Vault.
And soon, Peter is at home talking to Mary Jane. She says she doesn't like Peter wearing the black costume, it brings back the terror of Venom sneaking up on her, and Peter agrees. So, Peter ditches the black costume and put's on the good ol' Red And Blues! And as the last page says: "The Legend Begins Anew!".

- Signed by: Todd McFarlane on 01/17/2023
- Mexican Foil Edition
- Origin & 1st Full appearance of Venom
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New Mutants 98 New Mutants 98 Signature 9.6 February, 1991

"The Beginning of the End, Pt. 1"

Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza - Writers
Rob Liefeld - Penciler
Rob Liefeld - Inker
Rob Liefeld - Cover Artist
Steve Buccellato - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Bob Harras - Editors
Tom DeFalco - Editor in Chief

Gideon prepares himself and has his agent, Eve, proceed as planned. She gives her boss, Emmanuel DaCosta, some poisonous coffee, and he dies from it. Meanwhile, Cable and Cannonball train in the Danger Room, where Sam tries to shut the volume of his blast field down. But he fails. Elsewhere, Boom-Boom and Rictor are arguing about the fate of the missing Wolfsbane. Rictor wants to go find her, but Tabitha doesn’t, fearing that they might end up killed or captured. Suddenly, Cable is attacked by a hired assassin named Deadpool, who Tolliver hired to kill Cable. They fight, and Deadpool manages to defeat most of the New Mutants, including Cable. However, they are rescued by Cable’s associate, Domino. Later, they go over the roster of former New Mutants members, but unfortunately, neither Cable nor Domino finds them good enough for the team. But Cable promises to have already taken some steps in changing that. Later that night, Rictor leaves the basement unseen, in search of Rahne, but has left a note for Tabitha. Again later on the same night, Sunspot is woken up by Gideon, with whom he is acquainted, who informs Bobby that his father is dead.

- Signed twice by Rob Liefeld on 10/06/2022
- Signed by Fabian Nicieza on 10/06/2022
- From my collection. Picked up at my local comic books store at age 14. (I am astounded that I was able to keep it in this good of condition.)
- Plot by Liefeld, script by Nicieza.
- First appearances of Deadpool, Gideon, and Domino.
- In reality, the Domino in this issue is the shapeshifter Copycat, as later revealed in X-Force (1st series) #8.

Quotes: "If life were a picnic, you'd be a family. Since life is war, you're soldiers. You'd do well to start accepting that fact." —Cable
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X-Men Cover A - Mexican Foil Edition X-Men 1 Signature 9.8 2019


Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciler: Jim Lee
Cover Artists: Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Inker: Scott Williams
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editors: Bob Harras & Suzanne Gaffney
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

A group of mutants have stolen a shuttle and are being pursued by some agents. Magneto arrives and tears their ships apart before bringing them onboard Asteroid M. At the mansion the X-Men are testing the building's defenses. They split into two teams, but only Wolverine, with Psylocke's help, is able to breach them. The two different crews fight onboard the asteroid until Magneto stops them. One of them, Fabian Cortez, has a suggestion for Magneto. Back at the mansion, the X-Men Blue team responds to a signal that Magneto is up to something. He has raised a nuclear submarine.
The X-Men confront him, but after a brief battle he flies off with the nuclear weapons. Rogue tries to follow him to talk, but is shot down by a Russian plane. Magneto is hurt and is healed by Cortez. Rogue is found in Genosha but is pursued by the newly formed Acolytes wanting her to join them. She disagrees and fights them, and the X-Men arrive to help her. Magneto turns up and declares that Asteroid M will be a haven for all mutant-kind.

- Signed by Jim Lee on: 07/19/2019
- Signed by Scott Williams on: 07/19/2019
- Reprinted in Spanish and exclusive to Card Capital Fest in Mexico.
- First issue of the series. Advertised as a "Mutant Milestone".
- First appearance of the two Blue and Gold X-Men teams lead by Cyclops and Storm.
- Most of the X-Men wear new costumes and Professor X is seen using his new hoverchair.
- This issue came with five variant covers by Jim Lee.
- First appearance of The Acolytes.

- This Comic Book (using the Magneto Variant Cover) was referenced in Marvel: Avengers Alliance and is one of the Comic Book Covers required in order to recruit Magneto in the game.
- According to Guinness World Records, this issue is still the best-selling comic book of all-time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies.

“That, sir, is no way to treat a lady.: -Cyclops
“Or Rogue neither, hein?” -Gambit
“My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously.” -Beast
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X-Men Cover B - Mexican Foil Edition X-Men 1 Signature 9.8 2019


Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciler: Jim Lee
Cover Artists: Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Inker: Scott Williams
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editors: Bob Harras & Suzanne Gaffney
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

A group of mutants have stolen a shuttle and are being pursued by some agents. Magneto arrives and tears their ships apart before bringing them onboard Asteroid M. At the mansion the X-Men are testing the building's defenses. They split into two teams, but only Wolverine, with Psylocke's help, is able to breach them. The two different crews fight onboard the asteroid until Magneto stops them. One of them, Fabian Cortez, has a suggestion for Magneto. Back at the mansion, the X-Men Blue team responds to a signal that Magneto is up to something. He has raised a nuclear submarine.
The X-Men confront him, but after a brief battle he flies off with the nuclear weapons. Rogue tries to follow him to talk, but is shot down by a Russian plane. Magneto is hurt and is healed by Cortez. Rogue is found in Genosha but is pursued by the newly formed Acolytes wanting her to join them. She disagrees and fights them, and the X-Men arrive to help her. Magneto turns up and declares that Asteroid M will be a haven for all mutant-kind.

- Signed by Jim Lee on: 07/19/2019
- Signed by Scott Williams on: 07/19/2019
- Reprinted in Spanish and exclusive to Card Capital Fest in Mexico.
- First issue of the series. Advertised as a "Mutant Milestone".
- First appearance of the two Blue and Gold X-Men teams lead by Cyclops and Storm.
- Most of the X-Men wear new costumes and Professor X is seen using his new hoverchair.
- This issue came with five variant covers by Jim Lee.
- First appearance of The Acolytes.

- This Comic Book (using the Magneto Variant Cover) was referenced in Marvel: Avengers Alliance and is one of the Comic Book Covers required in order to recruit Magneto in the game.
- According to Guinness World Records, this issue is still the best-selling comic book of all-time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies.

“That, sir, is no way to treat a lady.: -Cyclops
“Or Rogue neither, hein?” -Gambit
“My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously.” -Beast

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X-Men Cover C - Mexican Foil Edition X-Men 1 Signature 9.8 2019


Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciler: Jim Lee
Cover Artists: Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Inker: Scott Williams
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editors: Bob Harras & Suzanne Gaffney
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

A group of mutants have stolen a shuttle and are being pursued by some agents. Magneto arrives and tears their ships apart before bringing them onboard Asteroid M. At the mansion the X-Men are testing the building's defenses. They split into two teams, but only Wolverine, with Psylocke's help, is able to breach them. The two different crews fight onboard the asteroid until Magneto stops them. One of them, Fabian Cortez, has a suggestion for Magneto. Back at the mansion, the X-Men Blue team responds to a signal that Magneto is up to something. He has raised a nuclear submarine.
The X-Men confront him, but after a brief battle he flies off with the nuclear weapons. Rogue tries to follow him to talk, but is shot down by a Russian plane. Magneto is hurt and is healed by Cortez. Rogue is found in Genosha but is pursued by the newly formed Acolytes wanting her to join them. She disagrees and fights them, and the X-Men arrive to help her. Magneto turns up and declares that Asteroid M will be a haven for all mutant-kind.

- Signed by Jim Lee on: 07/19/2019
- Signed by Scott Williams on: 07/19/2019
- Reprinted in Spanish and exclusive to Card Capital Fest in Mexico.
- First issue of the series. Advertised as a "Mutant Milestone".
- First appearance of the two Blue and Gold X-Men teams lead by Cyclops and Storm.
- Most of the X-Men wear new costumes and Professor X is seen using his new hoverchair.
- This issue came with five variant covers by Jim Lee.
- First appearance of The Acolytes.

- This Comic Book (using the Magneto Variant Cover) was referenced in Marvel: Avengers Alliance and is one of the Comic Book Covers required in order to recruit Magneto in the game.
- According to Guinness World Records, this issue is still the best-selling comic book of all-time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies.

“That, sir, is no way to treat a lady.: -Cyclops
“Or Rogue neither, hein?” -Gambit
“My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously.” -Beast
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X-Men Cover D - Mexican Foil Edition X-Men 1 Signature 9.8 2019


Writer: Chris Claremont
Penciler: Jim Lee
Cover Artists: Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Inker: Scott Williams
Colorist: Joe Rosas
Letterer: Tom Orzechowski
Editors: Bob Harras & Suzanne Gaffney
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco

A group of mutants have stolen a shuttle and are being pursued by some agents. Magneto arrives and tears their ships apart before bringing them onboard Asteroid M. At the mansion the X-Men are testing the building's defenses. They split into two teams, but only Wolverine, with Psylocke's help, is able to breach them. The two different crews fight onboard the asteroid until Magneto stops them. One of them, Fabian Cortez, has a suggestion for Magneto. Back at the mansion, the X-Men Blue team responds to a signal that Magneto is up to something. He has raised a nuclear submarine.
The X-Men confront him, but after a brief battle he flies off with the nuclear weapons. Rogue tries to follow him to talk, but is shot down by a Russian plane. Magneto is hurt and is healed by Cortez. Rogue is found in Genosha but is pursued by the newly formed Acolytes wanting her to join them. She disagrees and fights them, and the X-Men arrive to help her. Magneto turns up and declares that Asteroid M will be a haven for all mutant-kind.

- Signed by Jim Lee on: 10/04/2021
- Signed by Scott Williams on: 10/04/2021
- Reprinted in Spanish and exclusive to Card Capital Fest in Mexico.
- First issue of the series. Advertised as a "Mutant Milestone".
- First appearance of the two Blue and Gold X-Men teams lead by Cyclops and Storm.
- Most of the X-Men wear new costumes and Professor X is seen using his new hoverchair.
- This issue came with five variant covers by Jim Lee.
- First appearance of The Acolytes.

- This Comic Book (using the Magneto Variant Cover) was referenced in Marvel: Avengers Alliance and is one of the Comic Book Covers required in order to recruit Magneto in the game.
- According to Guinness World Records, this issue is still the best-selling comic book of all-time, with sales of over 8.1 million copies.

“That, sir, is no way to treat a lady.: -Cyclops
“Or Rogue neither, hein?” -Gambit
“My, o, my, talk about a man who loves to live dangerously.” -Beast

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300 25th Anniversary Special Edition - Bianchi 300 25th Anniversary Special Edition 1 Signature 9.9 January, 2023


Frank Miller - Writer
Frank Miller - Penciler
Frank Miller - Inkers
Simone Bianchi - Cover Artist
Lynn Varley - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Diana Schutz- Editor

In 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta gathers just 300 of his best men to fight the upcoming Persian invasion. In what is likely a suicide mission due to the massive number of Persians, they and their allies plan to stop King Xerxes' invasion of Greece at the narrow cliffs of the "Hot Gates" (Thermopylae). The terrain prevents the Greeks from being overwhelmed by Xerxes' superior numbers (a military tactic usually called "defeat in detail").

-Signed by Frank Miller on 04/01/2023
-Signed by Simone Bianchi on 04/01/2023
-Bianchi 30th Anniversary Special Edition
-Virgin Cover
-Metal Cover limited to 100.
-300 CGC Label
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300 25th Anniversary Special Edition - Miller 300 25th Anniversary Special Edition 1 Signature 9.8 January, 2023


Frank Miller - Writer
Frank Miller - Penciler
Frank Miller - Inkers
Frank Miller & Jock - Cover Artist
Lynn Varley - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Diana Schutz- Editor

In 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta gathers just 300 of his best men to fight the upcoming Persian invasion. In what is likely a suicide mission due to the massive number of Persians, they and their allies plan to stop King Xerxes' invasion of Greece at the narrow cliffs of the "Hot Gates" (Thermopylae). The terrain prevents the Greeks from being overwhelmed by Xerxes' superior numbers (a military tactic usually called "defeat in detail").

-Signed by Frank Miller on 04/01/2023
-Miller & Jock 30th Anniversary Special Edition
-Virgin Cover
-300 CGC Label
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Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special 1 FOIL Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special 1 Signature 9.8 November, 2022

Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti - Writers
Stanley "Artgerm" Lau - Cover Artist
Chad Hardin - Penciler
Chad Hardin - Inker
Alex Sinclair - Colourist
Dave Sharpe - Letterer
Ben Abernathy & Kristy Quinn - Editors

This book included multiple stories, titled: Cease and Decease, Submissive, How to Train Your Hyena, Criminal Sanity, Siren Soiree, A Legend Is Born, The Last Harley Story, Troop Harley Quinn, & Harley's World.

-Signed by: Stanley "Artgerm" Lau on 06/12/2023
-Lau FOIL Variant Cover
-Lau CGC Custom Label

Quotes: "Gotham is my world!" —Harley Quinn
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Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special 1 Signature 9.8 November, 2022

Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti - Writers
Stanley "Artgerm" Lau - Cover Artist
Chad Hardin - Penciler
Chad Hardin - Inker
Alex Sinclair - Colourist
Dave Sharpe - Letterer
Ben Abernathy & Kristy Quinn - Editors

This book included multiple stories, titled: Cease and Decease, Submissive, How to Train Your Hyena, Criminal Sanity, Siren Soiree, A Legend Is Born, The Last Harley Story, Troop Harley Quinn, & Harley's World.

-Signed by: Stanley "Artgerm" Lau on 06/12/2023
-Lau Variant Cover
-Lau CGC Custom Label

Quotes: "Gotham is my world!" —Harley Quinn
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Secret Wars 8 - Mexican Foil Variant Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 8 Signature 9.8 2022

"Secret Wars - Part 8"

Jim Shooter - Writer
Mike Zeck - Penciler
John Beatty, Jack Abel, Mike Esposito - Inkers
Christie Seele - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Tom DeFalco - Editor
Jim Shooter - Editor-in-Chief

The Heroes are finally regrouping to rescue She Hulk in Doombase while She Hulk herself is taking a severe beating. The ensuing battle leaves many heroes costumes in tatters. After Thor (having lost his cape and helmet) walked into the room into which the triumphant heroes are resting, with new gear, Spider-Man realizes that he should do the same thing. Hulk (Banner) informs Spidey that a machine that reassembles costumes and other forms of garbs is in the other room. Unbeknown to the Web-head he accidentally used the wrong machine and thus the Black Costume is born! After the symbiote is done shifting onto Spidey, Professor X informs the Heroes that Galactus is about to devour the planet!!!

-Signed by: Jim Shooter on 06/16/2023
-Signed by: John Beatty on 06/16/2023

- Mexican Foil Variant
- This is the first appearance of the Alien Symbiote that will become Venom.
- The black costume was created for this issue because Marvel was in litigation over the copyrights for the original costume. Between Secret Wars 8 and Amazing Spiderman #300 the black costume was used to fill in the gap for the red and blues.
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Batman: The Adventures Continues #1 Sketch Batman: The Adventures Continue 1 Modern 9.8 October, 2020


Alan Burnett & Paul Dini - Writers
Ty Templeton - Penciler
Ty Templeton - Inker
Peter Smith - Cover Artist
Josh Reed - Letterer
Monica Kubina - Colorist
Andrew Marino - Editor

After quickly dispatching with Bane, Batman encounters a rogue robot that is seven stories tall and wreaking havoc on a Wayne Enterprises building. It leaps away after causing significant damage.
In the Batcave, Batman continues investigating but the android has undetectable technology and specifically targeted some extra-terrestrial machinery given to Batman by Superman. Alfred encourages him to put the detective work on hold to attend a gala that includes his on-again, off-again love interest Veronica Vreeland and Lex Luthor, visiting from Metropolis.
Luthor mentions that Superman has not been seen for days after a fight on the moon before cryptically leaving the party. Batman confirms that he's gone and looks to find out what the connection is at a rural airfield. His suspicions are correct and the robot stands dormant in an aircraft hangar. Just as he attempts to get data off the menace's hard drive, he is captured by Luthor, decked out in his warsuit.
After tracking Lex Luthor to a warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham City, Batman is in the clutches of his Warsuit and losing consciousness fast. Luthor reveals that he has made huge leaps in cybernetics since meeting Brainiac that will make him unstoppable and shows off the deactivated alien robot. Batman launches a Batarang with his last ounce of strength that causes an explosion and allows him to return to the Batcave.
Alfred helps him suit up in appropriate armor and he returns to stop Luthor but the villain has already taken to the skies with his experimental robot and Mercy. Batman has deduced that Lex's new war machine is actually powered by a mind-controlled Superman, making it immensely powerful but once Batman frees the Man of Steel, he easily turns his former cage to scrap.
As the duo's adventure ends, a man walks into Crime Alley and brandishes a gun at anyone who bothers him. He secretly knows the significance of this place as the birth of Batman.

- Signed & Sketched by: Peter Smith on 05/19/2023
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Frank Miller's Sin City - Printing Error Frank Miller's Sin City Special Edition nn Signature 9.8 December, 2021

"The Hard Goodbye"

Frank Miller - Writer
Frank Miller - Penciler
Frank Miller - Inker
Frank Miller - Cover Artist
Frank Miller - Letterer
Randy Stradley - Editor

Sin City #1 misprint. This book was never supposed to exist. The cover was supposed to be blank. The cover of this book is actually the second to last page of the book. Only 300 copies were printed before the error was realized and all were acquired by Torpedo Comics.

- Signed by: Frank Miller on 05/22/2022
- Sketch Cover Variant
- Reprints Frank Miller's Sin City: The Hard Goodbye: Part 1.
- Red Foil Logo
- Only copy signed in red

It is not indicated on the label from CGC but this is indeed a misprint.
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Batman: The Adventures Continues #1 Sketch Batman: The Adventures Continue 1 Signature 9.8 October, 2020


Alan Burnett & Paul Dini - Writers
Ty Templeton - Penciler
Ty Templeton - Inker
Ryan Kincaid - Cover Artist
Josh Reed - Letterer
Monica Kubina - Colorist
Andrew Marino - Editor

After quickly dispatching with Bane, Batman encounters a rogue robot that is seven stories tall and wreaking havoc on a Wayne Enterprises building. It leaps away after causing significant damage.
In the Batcave, Batman continues investigating but the android has undetectable technology and specifically targeted some extra-terrestrial machinery given to Batman by Superman. Alfred encourages him to put the detective work on hold to attend a gala that includes his on-again, off-again love interest Veronica Vreeland and Lex Luthor, visiting from Metropolis.
Luthor mentions that Superman has not been seen for days after a fight on the moon before cryptically leaving the party. Batman confirms that he's gone and looks to find out what the connection is at a rural airfield. His suspicions are correct and the robot stands dormant in an aircraft hangar. Just as he attempts to get data off the menace's hard drive, he is captured by Luthor, decked out in his warsuit.
After tracking Lex Luthor to a warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham City, Batman is in the clutches of his Warsuit and losing consciousness fast. Luthor reveals that he has made huge leaps in cybernetics since meeting Brainiac that will make him unstoppable and shows off the deactivated alien robot. Batman launches a Batarang with his last ounce of strength that causes an explosion and allows him to return to the Batcave.
Alfred helps him suit up in appropriate armor and he returns to stop Luthor but the villain has already taken to the skies with his experimental robot and Mercy. Batman has deduced that Lex's new war machine is actually powered by a mind-controlled Superman, making it immensely powerful but once Batman frees the Man of Steel, he easily turns his former cage to scrap.
As the duo's adventure ends, a man walks into Crime Alley and brandishes a gun at anyone who bothers him. He secretly knows the significance of this place as the birth of Batman.

- Signed & Sketched by: Ryan Kincaid on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Catwoman" by: Adrienne Barbeau on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "The Riddler" by: John Glover on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Robin" by: Loren Lester on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Poison Ivy" by: Diane Pershing on 09/24/2022
- Signed by: Paul Dini on 09/30/2022
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Batman Adventures 12 - Fan Expo Sketch Cover Batman Adventures 12 Signature 9.8 2022

"Batgirl: Day One"

Kelley Puckett - Writer
Mike Parobeck - Penciler
Rick Burchett - Inker
Anthony Marquez - Cover Artist
Tim Harkins - Letterer
Rick Taylor - Colorist
Scott Peterson & Darren Vincenzo - Editors
Dick Giordano - Executive Editor

While Batman is pursuing a criminal outside of Gotham, Barbara Gordon attends a costume party thrown by heiress Sandy Vanocouer. Despite her father's lectures on the dangerous life Batman leads, Barbara intentionally chooses a costume that mimics Batman's, styling herself as a "Batgirl".
At the party, Barbara finds Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn trying to kidnap Sandy for a ten-million ransom. With quick wits and a bit of luck, she manages to save Sandy, only to be cornered by the two villainesses. Before a fight can break out, all four women are knocked unconscious by the party's security guards, who are actually disguised as burglars working for Catwoman.
Catwoman taunts her captives as they awaken, and secures her own objective: the priceless diamond being displayed one floor above Sandy's party. As Catwoman escapes with the diamond, Batgirl convinces Poison Ivy to cut her bonds, then sets off the diamond display's alarms to attract the police. Though Catwoman ultimately escapes, Batgirl manages to recover the diamond, earning a vow of revenge from Catwoman.
By the time the police arrive at the party, Barbara has already hidden her Batgirl costume in the trash. Cheerily, she tells her father nothing of importance had happened to her.

- Signed & Sketched by: Anthony Marquez on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Catwoman" by: Adrienne Barbeau on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "The Riddler" by: John Glover on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Robin" by: Loren Lester on 09/24/2022
- Signed & "Poison Ivy" by: Diane Pershing on 09/24/2022
- Signed by: Paul Dini on 09/30/2022
- Sketch Cover
- Despite having first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series, this issue marks the first appearance of Harley Quinn in a printed comic book - albeit, set in the DC Animated Universe. She would not appear in DC Comics' mainstream continuity until 1999's Batman: Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn's mask in incorrectly colored red throughout the issue, despite being correctly colored black on the cover.

Quotes: "Who're you? Batman's squeeze?" —Harley Quinn
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New Mutants 13 New Mutants 13 Signature 9.8 New Mutants 13 View Comic
New Mutants 98 - Mexican Foil New Mutants 98 Signature 9.8 2022

"The Beginning of the End, Pt. 1"

Rob Liefeld & Fabian Nicieza - Writers
Rob Liefeld - Penciler
Rob Liefeld - Inker
Rob Liefeld - Cover Artist
Steve Buccellato - Colorist
Joe Rosen - Letterer
Bob Harras - Editors
Tom DeFalco - Editor in Chief

Gideon prepares himself and has his agent, Eve, proceed as planned. She gives her boss, Emmanuel DaCosta, some poisonous coffee, and he dies from it. Meanwhile, Cable and Cannonball train in the Danger Room, where Sam tries to shut the volume of his blast field down. But he fails. Elsewhere, Boom-Boom and Rictor are arguing about the fate of the missing Wolfsbane. Rictor wants to go find her, but Tabitha doesn’t, fearing that they might end up killed or captured. Suddenly, Cable is attacked by a hired assassin named Deadpool, who Tolliver hired to kill Cable. They fight, and Deadpool manages to defeat most of the New Mutants, including Cable. However, they are rescued by Cable’s associate, Domino. Later, they go over the roster of former New Mutants members, but unfortunately, neither Cable nor Domino finds them good enough for the team. But Cable promises to have already taken some steps in changing that. Later that night, Rictor leaves the basement unseen, in search of Rahne, but has left a note for Tabitha. Again later on the same night, Sunspot is woken up by Gideon, with whom he is acquainted, who informs Bobby that his father is dead.

- Signed twice by Rob Liefeld on 09/06/2023
- Mexican Foil Edition.
- Plot by Liefeld, script by Nicieza.
- First appearances of Deadpool, Gideon, and Domino.
- In reality, the Domino in this issue is the shapeshifter Copycat, as later revealed in X-Force (1st series) #8.

Quotes: "If life were a picnic, you'd be a family. Since life is war, you're soldiers. You'd do well to start accepting that fact." —Cable
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X-Men 5 - Mexican Foil Variant X-Men 5 Signature 9.8 2022


John Byrne & Jim Lee - Writer
Jim Lee - Penciler
Joe Rubinstein, Art Thibert, Bob Wiacek, & Scott Williams - Inkers
Jim Lee - Cover Artist
Lois Buhalis & Tom Orzechowski - Letterers
Joe Rosas - Colorist
Bob Harras - Editors
Tom DeFalco - Executive Editor

Matsu'o Tsurayaba has the Hand reanimate Omega Red, though it kills twenty-five of their operatives. Matsu'o says that he financed Omega Red’s rebirth, for one thing, the capture of Wolverine, whom Omega Red remembers from his past. Meanwhile, at the Xavier Institute, Moira MacTaggert has nightmares, plagued with feeling guilty for having tried to condition Magneto’s behavior while he was in her care on Muir Island. Moira wakes up screaming and Cyclops, Banshee, and Professor Xavier come to her room to see what’s the matter. Banshee can’t talk from getting his jaw broken so Xavier creates a mind-bridge between the three of them and Moira. Banshee tries to comfort her and talk her out of leaving the mansion, although to no avail because later she calls a taxi and leaves, leaving Banshee behind. Outside, Gambit and Jubilee are winning a non-mutant power game of basketball against Wolverine and Rogue. Wolverine’s team starts to use their mutant powers so Gambit evens the odds using his power to charge the basketball up and throw it at Rogue who goes crashing through one of the windows. Later Gambit and Rogue are leaving on a date when Beast, Jubilee, and Wolverine try to tag along following them. On their bike, Gambit tries to outrun the other three X-Men and doesn’t notice a trap in the road. The Hand and Omega Red capture both him and Rogue, and they cause the jeep of the other three X-Men to explode. Surprisingly they come out of the fire unharmed and start fighting the Hand, but they get taken out by Omega Red’s death spores as well. Shortly before fainting out, Wolverine remembers the smell from his past. The unconscious X-Men are loaded into an ambulance, making it look like an ordinary car accident to any passersby.

- Signed by: Chris Claremont on 10/13/2023
- Signed by: Jim Lee on 09/23/2023
- Signed by: Scott Williams on 09/23/2023
- Wolverine remembers the last time he fought Omega Red alongside Sabretooth and Maverick.
- Mexican Foil Variant Cover
- Limited Edition of 1000
- Originally published on: February, 1992

Quotes: "The gentleman assumes the pot is his to win... but I have a literal ace up my sleeve." —Gambit
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Batman 608 - Batman Day Special Edition Batman 608 Signature 9.8 September, 2023


Jeph Loeb - Writer
Jim Lee - Penciler
Scott Williams - Inker
Jim Lee, Scott Williams, & Alex Sinclair - Cover Artists
Richard Starkings - Letterers
Alex Sinclair - Colorist
Bob Schreck - Editors
Mike Carlin - Executive Editor

Batman sneaks through an FBI perimeter at the Gotham City Shipyard, using acid to burn the lock off a door despite it being unpredictable, although faster than picking it. Successfully getting into the Shipyard, he takes down the crew guarding the area the four members being, Nails Nathan, Tommy Harper, Carlos Valdez, and Spider Hancock.
After defeating the hired crew with the utmost ease, he discovers Edward Lamont IV, the sole heir to the Lamont Chemical fortune, who had been kidnapped walking home from school two days ago. While attempting to escape with the boy, Killer Croc arrives and attacks Batman, as Bruce had calculated that he would have had two minutes before Croc returned and discovered the boy was missing, being off by exactly eleven seconds.
While fighting him, Batman silently questions the reasons behind Croc's actions as his Modus Operandi was never kidnapping and when it came down to it, Croc wasn't smart enough to pull off an operation as well planned as the one it seemed he had. Batman notes Croc's mutated body and wonders why he needed the ten million dollar ransom that everyone, including the President of the United States, had been willing to pay to get Edward back. After subduing the villain with hypersonics, the F.B.I. arrives to arrest Killer Croc. One of the officers tells him - despite not being how they would have handled it,- Batman gets results, the boy being in one piece, and soon then discovers the money they had given Croc was nowhere to be found.
Batman assumes that someone must have taken it during their fight, despite the FBI officer protesting that no one could have gotten past their perimeter, though Batman retorts they he had.
Using his heat sensors, Batman spots Catwoman leaving the scene and begins to chase after her. He internally argues as to why Catwoman would take the money, as ripping off someone elses' take had never been her style, and also her recent actions as of late attempting to make a go on the right side of the law. During midswing, Batman's rope was cut, sending him soaring downwards, breaking his shoulder in the process and landing in an alley occupied by homeless ruffians.
Meanwhile, Catwoman makes her way to the Gotham Tower Apartments, presenting the money to Poison Ivy as, -No man or woman could resist her-, not even Catwoman herself being able to fight off Ivy's mind control.

- Signed by: Jim Lee on 09/23/2023
- Signed by: Scott Williams on 09/23/2023
- Signed by: Alex Sinclair on 09/23/2023
- Batman Day Foil Variant Cover
- Originally published on: December 2002.
- Reprinted in Batman: Hush Double Feature; Batman: Hush Vol 1, Batman: Hush, and Batman Giant #1.
- With this issue, the Batman title changed its logo design.
- The events of this issue take place on Wednesday, November 27th, 2002.

- This issue includes a two-page origin prologue entitled, "The Batman: Who He Is, and How He Came to Be". The title is taken from the origin recap story first presented in Batman #1.
- Various dirigibles can be seen floating in the sky above Gotham City. Dirigibles were commonly used as police patrol vehicles in the 1992 Batman animated television series.
- Poison Ivy's quote "You know you can't resist me..." is taken from Batman: The Long Halloween #5, also written by Jeph Loeb.

Quotes: "Like the view? It's about the only thing you're going to catch tonight." — Catwoman
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Batman Clayface: One Bad Day - Jim Lee Cover Batman - One Bad Day: Clayface 1 Signature 9.8 April, 2023

"No Notes"

Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing - Writers
Xermanico - Penciler
Xermanico - Inker
Jim Lee, Scott Williams, & Alex Sinclair - Cover Artists
Tom Napolitano - Letterers
Romulo Fajardo, Jr. - Colorist
Dave Wielgosz, Jessica Berbey, & Ben Abernathy - Editors
Marie Javins - Executive Editor

All Basil Karlo ever wanted to be was an of the greatest actors there's ever been. However- his life went off course when he became the shape-shifting monster known as Clayface. After years of doing battle with Batman in Gotham City and distancing himself from his dream- Clayface goes out west to Los Angeles. Creating a new identity- he pursues his dream of acting only to find that Gotham City isn't the only place with an overwhelming sense of dread to it- and that he might not have what it takes to make it in the City of Angels. So he'll reshape the city to fit his needs in a deadly pursuit of stardom.

- Signed by: Jim Lee on 09/23/2023
- Signed by: Scott Williams on 09/23/2023
- Signed by: Alex Sinclair on 09/23/2023
- Jim Lee Variant Cover

Quotes: "My name Basil Karlo …. …And I'm here for an audition." — Clayface (Basil Karlo)
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What if? 27 What If? 27 Signature 9.8 Signed By: Frank Miller on 10/15/2023 View Comic
Supergirl 19 - Artgerm Foil Variant Supergirl 19 Signature 9.8 May, 2018

"One Life"

Steve Orlando & Vita Ayala - Writers
Stanley "Artgerm" Lau - Cover Artist
Jamal Campbell - Penciler
Jamal Campbell - Inker
Jamal Campbell - Colourist
Carlos M. Mangual - Letterer
Jessica Chen - Editor

Supergirl keeps operating openly in National City despite the public animosity against the "daughter of Cyborg Superman".
In The Blade, Chief Bones receives a phone call from Cameron Chase, who warns him she knows what he's up to, and that he's playing with fire by working with Mokkari. Bones replies he has everything under control and hangs up the phone.
Oblivious to all of this, Benjamin Rubel is looking for a reason to trust Supergirl fully. He meets up with Lee Serrano, a kid who uploaded a story about how Supergirl helped them to the CatCo app. Lee believed the arguments about Supergirl being dangerous and unable to understand and relate to the average person until they met her.
Their first meeting happened during Cyborg Superman's invasion. They were running away from home when a Kryptonian cyborg attacked them, and Supergirl pummelled it into the ground. After saving their life she asked their name and told them to get somewhere safe before rushing out, adding she would be around if they needed her. Lee decided to head back home but they didn't think she truly cared.
They were wrong. Later she saw them sitting by the beach, noticed they were upset, and stopped to check in. Lee opened up to her: they doesn't feel like a boy or a girl. They're bullied by their schoolmates and worried about their parents' reactions when it comes out. Supergirl told them her parents never asked her if she wanted to be sent away, they chose for her. She added parents can protect you and hurt you out of love, and whatever happens, she was glad they told her.
Supergirl said they weren't alone, but she never promised things would get magically right. They appreciated her honesty.
Later they found Supergirl again. They'd just been bullied by a classmate, and they were sick of being harassed only because they're different by people who doesn't understand them. Supergirl states she can look human, but she isn't. When she got to Earth she didn't know anything about her new home. People were frightened of her and hated her. For a long while she was extremely angry and confused, but that wasn't her real self. That was who they were afraid she could be. Other people didn't get to decide who she was, and they shouldn't let anyone else decide it, either.
Several weeks later Lee came out to their parents. They were puzzled but otherwise supportive.
Later they got into a fight with one of their bullies. Supergirl turned up to stop them, and one of the bullies hit her with his bookbag, prompting a "Really? A bookbag?" remark and a deadpan stare from her. However, Lee decided to confront their bully. Lee told him everyone knew what his trouble was -his parents getting a divorce- and making them miserable wouldn't change anything. Their speech made the bully back off.
Lee thanked Supergirl for having their back but not talking over or for them, either. She trusted them to know what they were doing and accepted them.
Lee caps their story telling them they support Supergirl because she supported them. Benjamin says goodbye and heads back home, muttering he needs to find a way to help Supergirl.
At night he's visited by Supergirl, who wants to take up his offer to help.

-Signed by: Stanley "Artgerm" Lau on 02/05/2024
-Lau Variant Foil Cover
-Lau CGC Custom Label
-This story takes place before the events of Superwoman #18.

-At one point, Supergirl flashes back to her transformation into a Red Lantern from the Red Daughter of Krypton storyline.
-Supergirl found out someone was leaking technology belonging to the D.E.O. during the Escape from the Phantom Zone storyline.
-The attack of Emerald Empress happened during the The Girl of No Tomorrow storyline.
-Stanley Lau's variant cover is a homage to the cover of Superman Adventures #1.

Quotes: "I look human, Lee... But I am not. When I first got to Earth, I didn't know the culture or the languages. People were scared of me, and hated me, too. I was so angry, so confused... but that wasn't me. that was who they were afraid I could be. Other people didn't get to decide who I was." — Supergirl
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X-Men 4 Facsimile Edition (Art Germ Fab Expo Variant) X-Men: Facsimile Edition 4 Signature 9.8 Notes:
-Signed By Stanley "Artgerm" Lau on 02/03/2024
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Uncanny X-Men 268: Facsimile Edition - Foil Uncanny X-Men: Facsimile Edition 268 Signature 9.8 April, 2024

"Madripoor Knights"

Chris Claremont - Writer
Jim Lee - Penciler
Scott Williams - Inker
Tom Orzechowski - Letterers
Glyns Oliver - Colorist
Bob Harras - Editor
Tom DeFalco - Editor-in chief

Madripoor 1941: A fledgling Captain America comes to the aid of a Russian, who is being attacked by Hand Ninjas. Both of the men are rescued by the help of a newcomer who makes the island his home and hates the Hand - Logan. After they win the battle, Logan takes them to the bar Seraph's, where he tags Baron Von Strucker and another Nazi, almost starting a fight. The Russian, Ivan Petrovitch tells them that the Nazis and the Hand are planning an alliance and that they have kidnapped a child in his charge - Natasha Romanoff. A little later, the three men attack the Nazi limousine where Natasha is being held. One Nazi intends to kill the girl, rather than give her up. However, Logan throws himself between Natasha and the gun, seemingly sacrificing his life to save her. Ivan and Cap decide to take Natasha to the American consulate instead of following Logan's plan. Unfortunately, the consul is working with the Nazis and sells them out. In the Hand hideout, they learn that the Hand intends to make Natasha a master assassin, her first test being the murder of her would-be rescuers. Fortunately, they are all rescued again by a very much alive Logan, who takes them to a getaway plane. The present: The Black Widow went to Madripoor as a favor to Nick Fury to learn everything about a meeting between Fenris (Strucker's children) and Tsurabaya, the new leader of the Hand. She ends up in a trap by the Hand, but is rescued by Wolverine, Psylocke and Jubilee. Later, they question the underworld and learn that the meeting between Fenris and Tsurabaya is to take place on a certain yacht. They infiltrate the yacht and take out the gangsters, but find out they are impostors: the real meeting took place somewhere else in the meantime.

-Signed By Jim Lee on 04/06/2024
-Signed By Chris Claremont on 06/14/2024
-Foil Edition
-Daredevil and the Black Widow thought they had finished off the Hand in Daredevil #185-190.
-Fu Manchu: Character from a popular pulp novel series by Sax Rohmer.

Wolverine: "Whassa-matta fellas? Look like you're seein' a ghost."
Captain America: "But -- we saw you shot!"
Wolverine: "I got better."
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Wolverine Limited Series 1: Facsimile Edition Foil Wolverine Limited Series: Facsimile Edition 1 Signature 9.8 February, 2024

"I'm Wolverine"

Chris Claremont - Writer
Frank Miller - Penciler
Josef Rubinstein - Inker
Tom Orzechowski - Letterers
Glynis Wein - Colorist
Louise Jones - Editor
Jim Shooter - Editor-in chief

In the Canadian Rockies, Wolverine is tracking down a bear, which has already killed seven men, three women, and five kids. Once he finds the bear, Wolverine is locked in a struggle with him until it ends with the bear’s ultimate demise. Wolverine finds an illegal poison-tipped arrow in the back of the bear, which leads him to a local bar and an unscrupulous hunter. After Wolverine turns him into the authorities, he makes his way back to the X-mansion in New York. Once there, he finds a number of letters and cards that he sent to Mariko Yashida, returned and unopened. When he tries to call her, he is hung up on. Concerned, he gets on the next plane out to Tokyo to see her. In Tokyo, he is met by a man by the name of Asano Kimura, a former associate of his. He learns from Asano that Mariko is now married. Ignoring pleas from Asano to not purse the matter, he makes his way to the Yashida ancestral stronghold in the port city of Agarashima. Wolverine is able to locate Mariko and after a brief, heartfelt discussion, he finds out that her new husband beats her. As they are talking, Mariko’s husband walks in on them talking. Wolverine is going to kill him for what he did to Mariko but she pleads with him not to. Disgusted, Wolverine goes to leave the palace when he is struck by poisoned throwing stars. When he awakes, he meets Lord Shingen, Mariko’s father, who challenges him to a duel with wooden swords. Shingen is able to get the better of Wolverine in all aspects, until Wolverine ultimately drops the sword in favor of his claws. This does not matter, however, as Shingen is able to best him in combat. With Wolverine beaten, Shingen shows Mariko what Wolverine is - an animal in the form of a man. Disgusted by this, Mariko turns her back on him. When he awakens, Wolverine is in an alley in Tokyo. He is about to be beaten up some more, until a mysterious female stranger arrives in the nick of time to save him. Once she does, she indicates to Wolverine that he is hers, now and forever.

-Signed By Frank Miller on 05/03/2024
-Signed By Chris Claremont on 05/03/2024
-Signed By Joe Rubenstein on 05/03/2024
-Foil Edition
-Wolverine’s revelation that he knows who his father is has yet to have been followed up on. Given light from the Origins miniseries, the father to whom he is referring is most likely a false memory.
-Giri roughly corresponds to "duty" in English.
-Nippon is the native Japanese name for the island nation known in English as Japan.
-JAL is an abbreviation for Japan's national air carrier, Japan Airlines.
-First appearance of Lord Shingen Harada, Mariko’s father.
-Even though she is unnamed in this issue, the lady at the end who saves Wolverine will be known as Yukio. This is her first appearance.
-Coalspur, one of the cities named in this book does indeed exist. It can be found near the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. West of Edmonton and Northwest of Calgary. It is now a ghost town.
-In legend and fantasy, Masamune's swords are considered the mark of an internally peaceful and calm warrior whereas Muramasa's swords are described as bloodthirsty or evil. They are what one could call the yin and the yang of the sword world.

"I'm Wolverine. I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice. —Wolverine
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