Owner Comments:
O.110a, R3, CAC.
Dirty, prooflike surfaces.
A lot can be said about the troublesome 3 in the 1823 varieties. Four different varieties resulted but not all from the same WD.
The "broken 3" (O.101) came from a new 3 punch and the less than satisfactory result was not touched up as would normally have happened.
The "patched 3" (O.101a, O.102) was a botched repair attempt to the same die.
And the "ugly 3" (O.110a) was due to a die crack from the rim upward which simply broke away the right side of the numeral.
The fourth 3 variety -- not a recognized "major" one, the "tampered with 3" (O.106a), was likely due to a simple die chip and not inept tampering.
Not all researchers agree on the causes for the calamity. But collectors enjoy them and it brings some excitement to an otherwise drab year.
Ex-Troy Nelson (Allgood collection), ex-Dick Graham.