Ancient Stars
Roman Republic - "rape" of the Sabines





Coin Details

Origin/Country: ANCIENT - ROMAN REPUBLIC (4th CENT BC - 1st CENT BC) ROMAN REPUBLIC L.Titur. Sabinus, c.89 BC
Item Description: AR Denarius
Full Grade: NGC VF
Owner: PAL Collection

Set Details

Custom Sets: Ancient Stars
Competitive Sets: This coin is not competing in any sets.
Research: NGC Coin Price Guide

Owner Comments:

Roman mythology believes that after the founding of Rome there were few women and the continuation of the State was in serious jeopardy because men could not have families. Rome's neighbors, fearing a powerful rival, prevented their women from marrying Roman men. So Romulus, founder of Rome, devised a plan: he prepared an elaborate celebration for Neptune Equester and invited all of Rome's neighbors, including the Sabines. Of course, the Sabines brought their women to the grand affair, but when a signal was given the Roman men arose en masse and carried off the Sabine maidens. Romulus spoke to the indignant Sabine women and offered them property, civil rights, and honorable wedlock, if they would stay of their own free will, which they all decided to do. Outraged over the incident, other tribes went to war with Rome over the abduction but eventually Romulus defeated all of them.

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