Heraldic Art Medals
1965 Eli Whitney


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS 69
Owner: Don "Smitty" Smith
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Heraldic Art Medals
Slot Name: 1965 Eli Whitney
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

"Against a background of ineffectual and poorly guided land operations which even saw the burning of Washington, it was the U.S.Navy which turned the tide of the War of 1812 on sea and lake. Most striking successes in 1812 were those of the Navy's most famous vessel, the U.S.S. Constitution, ata time when the psychological effect of victories far outweighed tactical effect, both here and in England. In July, Constitution outran, outmanoeuvered and outdodged an intercepting 5-ship squadron in epic 3-day chase. On August 19th, Hull's frigate wrecked H.M.S. Guerriere in a 55 minute battle. The Royal Navy's first major loss in the 19th century. Bouncing cannonballs in this engagement earned the nickname "Old Ironsides". On December 29th, Constitution under Bainbridge sank H.M.S. Java in a crashing South Atlantic battle". The obverse design: "U.S.S. Constitution / "Old Ironsides"; in exergue, 1812-1962". The reverse design: " Naval eagle on an anchor, supporting a wreath and trophy ribbons for GUERRIERE and JAVA".

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