Heraldic Art Medals
1965 Eli Whitney


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS 68
Owner: Don "Smitty" Smith
Set Category: Token & Medals
Set Name: Heraldic Art Medals
Slot Name: 1965 Eli Whitney
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

The Obverse design: "A brooding eagle, representing the nation as a whole and its sentiment as the conflict wore on, wings outspread perches on an overturned military drum. Legend, above: CENTENNIAL OF THE CIVIL WAR; on the ribbons below, the dates 1861/1961". The reverse: "A mounted buglar sounds the call to arms, symbolizing the eager, adventurous spirit with which the struggle began, before the heavy battlefield tolls brought home the realities of war. The two most significant engagements of 1861 are indicated in the legend; FT. SUMTER / FIRST MANASSAS; below the figure, CALL TO ARMS. The jaunty buglar and his fiery, muscular steed - unidentified as to army - were directly inspired by a contemporary woodcut".

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