The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Coinage of the Roman Empire


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC MS Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5
Owner: RAM-VT
Set Category: Ancients
Set Name: The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Slot Name: Coinage of the Roman Empire
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Roman Empire Helena, c.AD 324-328/30 AE3 (BI Nummus) Antioch, RIC 80,S; Sear 16627 Grade: MS: Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5 Obv: FL HELENA AVGVSTA, diademed & mantled bust right Rev: SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE, Securitas standing left with branch pointing down & raising robe; SMANTS in ex. Census - NGC does not provide census info on ancient coins :>( Helena: Also known as Saint Helen, Helena Augusta or Helena of Constantinople was the consort of Emperor Constantius, and the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great. She is traditionally credited with finding the relics of the True Cross, with which she is invariably represented in Christian iconography. My cost was $130

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